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Starred developers: None

Role Project Summary
Owner demoqracy Online Voting via QR Codes
Owner gdata-issues Server-side issues and feature requests
Owner io13-yt-freebase-codelab Google I/O 2013 YouTube + Freebase API Codelab
Owner magnitude Python Library for Computing with Physical Quantities
Owner party-playlist-picker Party Playlist Picker lets you collaboratively edit a YouTube playlist
Owner watchme Negev's WP-1 coding project
Owner youtube-api-samples YouTube API Sample Applications
Owner youtube-direct YouTube Direct
Owner youtube-direct-lite YouTube Direct Lite
Owner youtube-mobile-codelab Source code for YouTube mobile codelab
Owner yt-topic-explorer YouTube Topic Explorer
Owner zephyr Just another website system
Committer gdata-python-client Google Data APIs Python Client Library
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