#TonyBenn 검색 결과

인기 / 전체
  1. introduced art on postage stamps in this country. Be fitting to mark his death by replacing the queen's bonce with his for a while

  2. eloquence of on describes life & death of Britain & future. Take no heroes, maybe, but Galloway is still alive

  3. was a leader who seemed too good to be true for all in the bottom 90 percent of the economy.

  4. Proposed to his wife after 8 Days on a park bench! Went to the Council asked to purchase the bench! Put it in his Garden.. Romantic

  5. Shirley Williams split the vote, subjected us to years of Thatcherism and is now blaming it on

  6. I can distinguish clearly, as I'm sure can you, legitimate criticism from the envy of hens looking up at an eagle's perch.

  7. Watching contemporary politicians comment on Tony Benn is like listening to John Mayer cover Hendrix.

  8. RIP and . Two steadfast defenders of the working class dead within one week. Who will step up to replace them?

  9. Labour Party Conferences of the 1980s - wonderful oratory, terrible graphics.

  10. Reposting for the evening twitters - a cartoon in appreciation of and his famous five questions to power

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