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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다
  2. 님이 리트윗했습니다

    Since 1994 had only won 1 Paralympic Winter medal in 20 years. This morning we matched that in 20 minutes

  3. ": hi Hannah, plz settle an argument, was that the batman symbol on your tights?" Of course it was!

  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
  5. I am going to be constantly wishing I had a tv for the next 2 weeks, the winter Paralympics start today- how exciting!

  6. Seriously though, who knew cleaners have to make SO much noise as they do their job?

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다

    Quality birds we are now in the company of greatness. Please welcome the incredible as an officially quality bird. Pure gold

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다

    Nutella, banana and strawberry crepe with to celebrate the end of our law test!

  10. If I haven't got 40% in my exam, I will cry, but now time to move on from media law and onto pancakes! :) pancake date with

  11. Today, I have my first Uni exam that I have to pass to pass the year.Seems rather a high expectation for a course with supposedly no exams..

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