
  1. Off to watch England vs Wales women with seeing as it will be the only rugby I get to see this weekend!

  2. Definitely have a duvet mark on my face on the way to work! Not looking forward to my 8 days in a row

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
  4. I haven't stayed in bed past 12 without a hangover in so long and it feels so good!

  5. Cried so much watching The Book Thief! It's up there with Marley & Me on the emotional scale

  6. The most productive thing I've done this weekend is buy toilet bleach! I've finished the brownies

  7. When Easter eggs are on buy 2 get 2 free it would be rude not to buy as many as you can carry home

  8. Watched Festivals, Sex and Suspicious Parents in prep for our antics at I promise to be on my best behaviour

  9. Cycling through Central London on a Saturday night without being run over is v. impressive in my opinion

  10. First experience of Chinatown and theatre with first place I've been charged for tap water though!

  11. I was getting bored of Katy Perry but she's redeemed herself with love a good rap in the middle

  12. Sad to be leaving, but thanks for a great trip! I will be back to find myself an Irish husband!

  13. Did something a bit cultural and looked round Dublin Castle in Malahide! This trip has been the best of both worlds!

  14. Keep laughing to myself about the events of last night! Thank you Dublin, I will come again

  15. Dublin has ruined me and resulting in the loss of an iPhone 5 today is a write off

  16. Great first day in Dublin :) walk along the coast and a nice muddy training session with UCD! Finger has not been rebroken

  17. At the airport ready to jet off to Dublin to visit they've taken my hair mousse off me though

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