
  1. Hi - we took the decision to remove it while we investigate the primary evidence further. Thank you for flagging it up with us.

  2. Hi - this finding comes from the Oxford handbook of complementary medicine, an evidence based book for use by clinicians.

  3. Please DM us your details if you would like to discuss this further with us.

  4. Hi - health insurance doesn't cover emergency treatment. A booklet about our cover is available here -

  5. RT : Take a look at these three conditions that commonly affect women, and find out how to manage or prevent them:...

  6. Hi, if you DM us your contact details we'd be happy to give you a call to discuss this. Thanks

  7. Cancer: how do you tell fact from fiction? We’ve put together some recent myths about cancer to give you the facts:

  8. Hello, we are really sorry to hear this. Please can you DM us your details and we will give you a call. Thanks

  9. Morning - If you call us on 0808 115 6883 one of our people would be happy to give you a quote and answer any questions you have.

  10. Thanks for your details. Please can you tell us what is was advertising?

  11. RT : If you're having sleep troubles, our top tips for a dreamy night's sleep may help:

  12. Hi, sorry to hear this. Could you DM us your contact details and we'll look into this for you. Thanks

  13. RT : Helen Vaughan-Jones of : apps can be hugely successful in encouraging people to live healthier lives, like...

  14. Cancer patients should not feel pressure to bounce back to normal immediately, says Professor Justin Stebbing

  15. Hi, we're sorry to hear this. Do you want to DM us your contact details and we'll give you a call to discuss this? Thanks

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