The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation

ISAF Training Scholarship

The ISAF Training Scholarship is an eight week course designed to develop additional skills for Coaches and programme managers needed to develop and/or run a National Sail Training Programme. Coaching skills in sailing (kiteboard, windsurf, dinghy, multihull and yacht) and practical knowledge and application of powerboating will be developed. The candidates also work on management and assessment skills required to mantain such a programme within the uniue saiing 'landscape' of their nome nations.

IOC Olympic Solidarity (OS) may support funding for applications from MNA candidates under it's Sport-Specific Training Option which forms part of the OS World Progrmme for Coaches. MNAs who wish to apply for IOC OS funding must contact their National Olympic Committee to request the appropriate application forms and then work with ISAF to complete the process.

The Scholarship course can also be funded whole or in part through private sponsorship or in conjunction with existing MNA funding.

For full picture albums of the activities completed during the course please visit our dedicated Facebook page and for updates why not follow us on twitter

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