‘Big Data @Work’ by Thomas H Davenport

How to tap of an invaluable resource


Alison Davis-Blake
Michigan’s Alison Davis-Blake on the Ross school and women on boards
– Della Bradshaw
Dean’s column
Theodore Levitt’s intellect was both sharp and inspirational
– John Quelch, Ceibs
Should a company’s employees have a say in who manages them?
– Simon Caulkin

How Lego took to anthropology

‘The Moment of Clarity’ by Christian Madsbjerg and Mikkel Rasmussen

‘Dragnet Nation’, by Julia Angwin

One woman’s attempt to keep her electronic data private

A Stanford recipe for bloat-free growth

‘Scaling Up Excellence’ suggests ways to build a business without causing overload

‘The Good Jobs Strategy’ by Zeynep Ton

The author argues that retailers that invest in staff reap rewards

‘Big Bang Disruption’

Technology has not made all companies more prone to destruction

‘Status Update’ by Alice E Marwick

When it comes to the modern tech scene in Silicon Valley, the rhetoric seldom matches the reality

Taking Down The Lion

A flawed bid to rewrite the Tyco affair as tragedy

Guide to the appliance of alliances

‘Network Advantage’ by Henrich Greve, Tim Rowley and Andrew Shipilov

‘Brand Vandals’

Authors Steve Earl and Stephen Waddington offer cautionary tales about baying online mobs