Jason Goldman

Jason Goldman


Co-founder of The Obvious Corporation and board member at Branch and Medium. Formerly, VP Product for Twitter and Product Manager for Blogger at Google.

New York, NY · goldtoe.net


  1. Wonderful wines @ Gambino- don't take my word for it, come see Sicily! Endemic grapes in volcanic soil, so good :)

  2. We watched a volcano erupt under a starry sky. Glowing jellyfish bubbled in our wake. Some real life Roy Batty shit right there.

  3. My own version of the Godfather tour here in Sicily: had cannoli, went to a barbershop (lived), was a Jew who enjoys Vegas (lived.)

  4. Saw a 13th c papermill in Amalfi on a hike from Ravello. Mill is still powered by water gates. When the gates misbehave: sluice abuse.

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