
  1. I got an automated response from payroll@ telling me they’ll something-something-something in a few days.

  2. In order to get my W-2, Microsoft wants me to sign in with my corpnet credentials that have been dead for almost a year.

  3. But code isn’t a biological specimen, it’s a socio-technical artifact. So both systems analysis and intentional stance are required.

  4. I definitely like the “specimen” metaphor more, since it suggests dynamic systems and adaptation in a way which literature doesn’t.

  5. America only wants its black men to be terrifying in the abstract, I guess.

  6. I’m sure he’ll recover, esp. given his access to excellent medical teams specializing in shredded knees.

  7. We’ve got his knee snapping like a twig on replay with CG warrior robots smashing into each other but dude’s tone was unsportsmanlike.

  8. We watch game in which a player is crippled of a sport which causes chronic traumatic encephalopathy but we’re mad about someone’s tone.

  9. She’s been trying like crazy to get me to write on that and I’ve been failing pretty hard to do that.

  10. The ruby-core position is that they do not want Ruby to be responsible for the security of users. I and others believe that Ruby already is.

  11. The thread about the TLS changes was not great. Ruby-core staked out a worrying position.

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