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Website of the
Sailing Federation

MNA Codes

The ISAF Member National Authority County Codes are detailed below. These codes are those used by the International Olympic Committee.

To view the Member National Authorities by Group and the number of seats each group has on Council go to Schedule A of the ISAF Constitution. This information is also available in hard copy format in the ISAF Yearbook.

Nation Code Group Nation Code Group Nation Code Group
Algeria ALG Q Greece GRE D Palestine PLE I
American Samoa ASA L Grenada GRN O Panama PAN O
Andorra AND E Guam GUM J Papua New Guinea PNG L
Angola ANG Q Guatemala GUA O Paraguay PAR N
Antigua ANT O Hong Kong HKG J Peru PER M
Argentina ARG M Hungary HUN B Philippines PHI J
Armenia ARM H Iceland ISL G Poland POL C
Aruba ARU O India IND K Portugal POR E
Australia AUS L Indonesia INA K Puerto Rico PUR O
Austria AUT B Iran IRN I Qatar QAT I
Azerbaijan AZE H Ireland IRL A Romania ROU C
Bahamas BAH O Israel ISR D Russia RUS H
Bahrain BRN I Italy ITA D Samoa SAM L
Barbados BAR O Jamaica JAM O San Marino SMR D
Belarus BLR C Japan JPN J Saudi Arabia KSA I
Belize BIZ O Kazakhstan KAZ H Senegal SEN Q
Belgium BEL F Kenya KEN Q Serbia SRB C
Bermuda BER O Korea KOR J Seychelles SEY Q
Botswana BOT Q Kosovo KOS C Singapore SIN K
Brazil BRA N Kyrgyzstan KGZ H Slovak Republic SVK B
British Virgin Islands IVB O DPR Korea PRK J Slovenia SLO B
Bulgaria BUL C Kuwait KUW I South Africa RSA Q
Canada CAN P Latvia LAT G Spain ESP E
Cayman Islands CAY O Lebanon LIB D Sri Lanka SRI K
Chile CHI M Libya LBA Q St Kitts and Nevis SKN O
China, PR CHN J Liechtenstein LIE B St Lucia LCA O
Chinese Taipei TPE J Lithuania LTU G Sudan SUD Q
Colombia COL O Luxembourg LUX F Sweden SWE G
Cook Islands COK L Madagascar MAD Q Switzerland SUI B
Croatia CRO B Malaysia MAS K Tahiti TAH L
Cuba CUB O Malta MLT D Tanzania TAN Q
Cyprus CYP D Mauritius MRI Q Thailand THA K
Czech Republic CZE B Mexico MEX O Trinidad & Tobago TRI O
Denmark DEN G Moldova MDA C Tunisia TUN Q
Djibouti DJI Q Monaco MON D Turkey TUR D
Dominican Republic DOM O Morocco MAR Q Uganda UGA Q
Ecuador ECU M Montenegro MNE C Ukraine UKR C
Egypt EGY Q Mozambique MOZ Q United Arab Emirates UAE I
El Salvador ESA O Myanmar MYA K United States of America USA P
Estonia EST G Namibia NAM Q Uruguay URU M
Fiji FIJ L Netherlands NED F US Virgin Islands ISV O
Finland FIN G Netherland Antillies (Curacao and St Maarten) AHO O Vanuatu VAN I
France FRA D New Zealand NZL L Venezuela VEN O
FYRO Macedonia MKD C Nigeria NIG Q Vietman VIE K
Georgia GEO H Norway NOR G Zimbabwe ZIM Q
Germany GER B Oman OMA I
Great Britain GBR A Pakistan PAK K
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