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Website of the
Sailing Federation

ISAF Offshore Special Regulations

The ISAF Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) govern offshore racing for monohulls and multihulls, structural features, yacht equipment, personal equipment and training.

The OSR is republished every two years and the latest edition is for 2014-2015. A hard copy can be purchased from the ISAF Secretariat or you can dowload it either in full or by category and view the interpretations of the ISAF Special Regulations Sub-Committee below.

For information about archive editions of the OSR please contact the ISAF Secretariat.

ISAF Offshore Special Regulations - Complete Version

ISAF Offshore Special Regulations
ISAF Offshore Special Regulations Amendment Sheets

ISAF Offshore Special Regulations - Interpretations

Interpretation 2 - Emergency Rudders
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