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  1. . St. Moritz, Switzerland. It's an amazing track, really fast, smooth, and fun. The way bobsledding should be

  2. . just do what I can to stay relaxed. Do what I normally do. It's just 1 race in a 18 race season.

  3. . 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15. I work very hard during training to figure out the lines, then visualize so I can execute perfectly

  4. . not really. No matter what we have to push hard and drive well. We may change some lines though depending on conditiins

  5. . is great actually. Of course there are a few people that aren't so nice, but there is a mutual respect for every athlete

  6. . unfortunately not yet. 4- man training started yesterday. I will celebrate my butt of in 5 days though.

  7. . as of right now, winning the bronze. The worst is competing last watching everyone else have a blast at the Olympics

  8. . This is my full time job. I have worked in IT, but to be competitive at this level, it had to be full time

  9. . on race day, there is a cutoff before the race that you can no longer make adjustments. We have to figure it out in training.

  10. . we've been doing this so long together we don't really have to do or say much. We all have a job and we focus on execution

  11. Retwitteado por

    we'd never assume, but u may like our Mighty Wings w/ Spicy Buffalo sauce! Right up ur alley, or should we say bobsled track?

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