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Broadcast Curation

Twitter certified productMass Relevance is a social engagement platform that discovers, filters and displays real-time Twitter content wherever that content lives. Media companies can work with Mass Relevance to tap into the Tweets that matter most to them from the more than 500 million Tweets sent every day.

Go to the site > is a social TV platform for producers that connects broadcast television to the digital world, enabling viewers to participate in the shows they’re watching.

Go to the site > brings Twitter to television through social engagement analysis and on-air integration for TV shows and live events.

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Pulse enable sports federations and media publishers to connect their audiences to live events through innovative social products that inform, entertain and engage.

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News Curation

Storify allows journalists to create articles driven by content breaking on Twitter. Users can organize and discover significant voices on Twitter, simplifying and combining them into focused stories.

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Twitter certified product: ScribbleLive provides real-time engagement solutions. From live blogging to creating articles driven by content breaking on Twitter, the platform helps media outlets engage with and monetize their audiences.

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Real-time Engagement

BumeBox enables high-profile individuals to engage in real-time dialogue with their fans. The BumeBox platform demystifies the process of conducting Twitter Q&As and live-tweeting.

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Poptip is a crowd participation-enabling platform that offers real-time, transparent polling and social analysis to help media companies stay on top of trends, news stories and public opinion.

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Telescope provides tools around audience participation, consumer engagement and social television. The Telescope platform powers vote counting for some of the most watched interactive shows on TV and allows clients to better engage with and monetize their audience.

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Research Tools

Twitter certified product: Sysomos uses Twitter data to analyze discussions, trends and events taking place on Twitter. The social media analytics company, which also looks at conversations and themes to determine sentiment, gives this insight and information to other companies to help them with their planning and decision-making.

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Specialty Research Tools

Twitter certified productNielsen SocialGuide is a leading provider of social TV measurement, analytics and audience engagement solutions — identifying, capturing and analyzing conversation on Twitter in real time for programs aired across 249 US television networks.

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Twitter certified productDataminr is a real-time information discovery company that transforms Twitter streams into actionable alerts, enabling Government clients to stay ahead of traditional information services. The Dataminr suite of modular desktop and API products are customizable and offer one of the earliest warning systems for relevant information emerging on Twitter.

Go to the site > offers detailed reports on historical trends, showing when a trend went global, what cities and countries it trended in, for how long and where the trend ranked. Changes in trend position are reported as frequently as every 5 minutes.

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Networked Insights examines Twitter conversation, discerning audience interests, attributes and engagement, to produce actionable intelligence for media partners, particularly in the motion picture and television industries.

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Web Visualizations

Twitter certified product: Flowics drives increased Twitter engagement with audiences by providing broadcast, in-venue and web visualizations of real-time Twitter streams that can be deployed directly to digital properties. Publishers can also use Flowics to deploy live data visualizations on any relevant topic, using original content, curated from Twitter.

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Twitter certified product: WayIn is a Twitter hub platform that visualizes and curates Tweets for “in-the-moment” visualizations and audience participation across a range of devices and websites. It allows media companies to capture, curate and display Tweets for increased engagement with followers.

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Vigiglobe’s social TV platform integrates Twitter into television, providing social media analytics, data mining and curation services to provide an interactive viewing experience.

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RebelMouse enables media companies to curate and format Twitter content into beautiful, dynamic social pages – within seconds. RebelMouse continuously updates as Tweets are posted and can be filtered editorially as well as algorithmically by topic, keyword, popularity, virality and customer-specific parameters.

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Stackla is a curated Twitter hub that offers digital integration for Twitter by allowing users to set up custom content feeds and see real-time posts.

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Twitter Products & Features


Twitter Alerts is a new feature that brings us one step closer to helping users get important and accurate information during emergencies, natural disasters or moments when other communications services aren't accessible.


Vine is a mobile service that lets you create and share short looping videos. Vine is currently available for iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded in the Apple App Store or in the Google Play Store.


TweetDeck is an app that brings more flexibility and insight to power users. TweetDeck is currently available as a desktop app, a web app, or a Chrome app, and can be downloaded at

Twitter #music

Twitter #music is a service that detects and surfaces the most popular tracks and emerging artists based entirely on activity on Twitter. Twitter #music can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or you can use the web version.

Twitter for websites

Add tweet and follow buttons, embedded timelines, and embedded Tweets to your website to keep the conversation going with the people who visit your website and the people on Twitter.

Twitter Cards

Twitter Cards help you richly represent your content within Tweets across the web and on mobile devices. This gives users greater context and insight into the URLs shared on Twitter, which in turn allows Twitter to send more engaged traffic to your site or app.