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This week
2,695Code commits
5,344Issue comments
1,033,929 people in 230 countries* speaking 181 languages power Drupal.
30.2672 -97.7431
DrupalCon Austin
02-06 June 2014
53.519001 -113.321602
52.5 13.4
jbrown committed Default to rendering 1 BTC.
51.9934621 5.9105983
41.709981 44.792998
52.5 13.4
jbrown committed Add options for shwowing fiat amount in...
41.709981 44.792998
52.5 13.4
jbrown committed Fix amount rendering when decimal places is...
41.399975254279 -73.2109673886674
52.5 13.4
jbrown committed Add unit configuration to Amount field...
58.4097912463636 15.6205612027273
45.661597 -122.6284724
japerry committed Comment out no longer used modules: homebox...
37.774929 -122.419416
28.5132985 77.0863384
Rkumar committed for pareview and check for version control
44.837789 -0.57918
58.4097912463636 15.6205612027273
45.661597 -122.6284724
japerry committed Add 'type' key for libraries
52.5 13.4
jbrown committed Add decimal places configuration to Amount...
44.837789 -0.57918
42.358431 -71.059773
jnicola committed rolling in patch to remove warnings on line...
42.358431 -71.059773
jnicola committed Adding in ability to strip tags and html...
Unplanned Drupal.org Downtime Earlier Today (Thu Feb 13 14:59-15:21 UTC 2014)

The Drupal.org primary database server experienced a crash due to a full disk earlier today around 6:59am PST (14:59 UTC). Read more

Joining The Day We Fight Back

Drupal 7.26 and 6.30 released

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