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Ruben Teijeiro explains why Drupal is easy

This week's podcast is parts of a fun conversation I had with Ruben Teijeiro at Drupal Camp Vienna in December 2013. I "borrowed" him from mentoring Manuela Hutter at the code sprint to talk with me, but in the end, they both still managed to get a lot done that weekend. Thanks for your contributions, folks... More
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Janez Urevc on Media in Drupal 8

I spoke with Slovenian Drupalist-extraordinary Janez Urevc at Drupal Camp Vienna 2013. Alongside being a Drupal developer at examiner.com, he is also a major force in everything media+Drupal. Janez is slashrsm on Drupal.org, Twitter and "all the other online services you can imagine." He's on the team planning Drupal Camp Alpe-Adria 2014, which will be in the... More
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2012 Greatest Hits - Drupal Camp Sofia, Bulgaria

A quick blast from the past this week from the first Drupal community event at which I was recording material for a podcast. This gives this particular event an extra sparkle in my memory. True to form for the Drupal community around the world, many of the people I met at this camp have become friends with whom I stay in touch or even get to see now and then at a DrupalCon or Drupal Camp somewhere. Community ftw! ---Original post from April, 2012--- I just got back from a fantastic... More
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Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 3

Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 3 - Today we wrap up this mini series with Larry Garfield, Kris Vanderwater, and me answering the question "Do I need to learn Symfony to develop for Drupal 8?", getting the lowdown on plugins, and doing a wrap-up on the important points from our whole, 3-part conversation. In August 2013, I spoke with Larry Garfield and Kris Vanderwater in a 90+ minute... More
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Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 2

Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 2 - In today's conversation, Larry Garfield, Kris Vanderwater, and I go over the Go PHP 5 project as the first seeds of cooperation between different PHP projects, how the Symfony2 framework became part of Drupal 8, why we aren't building Drupal 8 on Symfony full-stack, CMI, abstraction in Drupal, and the future of Features in Drupal 8. In August 2013, I... More
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Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 1

Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 1 - In August 2013, I spoke with Larry Garfield and Kris Vanderwater in a 90+ minute live Hangout on Air about the origins, details, and implications of the big architectural changes coming in Drupal 8. Today's video and audio podcasts are the first set of "curated" excerpts from that long conversation. We cover Larry and Kris's Drupal backgrounds, early... More
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2013 Greatest Hits – "PHP is as secure as any other major language" – Anthony Ferrara

I met Anthony, aka @ircmaxell, for the first time at the PHP BeNeLux conference in early 2013. He was among the first people I spoke with on mic about PHP. Our conversation about PHP being secure was one of the seeds that grew into the "Power of PHP" series on Acquia.com, though you'll notice we were still calling it "PHP Myths" at the time. The series will be continuing... More
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2013 Greatest Hits – Meet Angie Byron: The Return of Webchick

2013 Acquia Podcast Greatest Hits - part two - Meet Angie Byron: The Return of Webchick Angie and I were at Acquia headquarters in Massachusetts at the same time in the spring of 2013. This gave us the chance to sit down and chat in front of the camera about all things Drupal. Highlights from our conversation became two podcasts with accompanying video. In this part of the conversation, Angie talks about how she got into Drupal and more. ---Original post from April 24, 2013--- In this... More
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2013 Greatest Hits – Gaelan Steele meets Dries

2013 Acquia Podcast Greatest Hits - part one - Gaelan Steele meets Dries One of my favorite Drupal moments in 2013 was meeting Gaelan Steele in person at DrupalCon Portland. This was eclipsed very quickly by being present when Gaelan and Dries met for the first time - and having my podcast microphone on! This was probably also eclipsed by Gaelan schooling Dries on how he learned to use Drupal ... see his answer below and in the podcast. ---Original post from May 29, 2013---... More
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First Camp, First Patch! Thank you, Manuela Hutter!

Thank you for contributing! I think this is some kind of proof of the appeal of the Drupal project and welcoming nature of our community: Manuela Hutter came to Drupal Camp Vienna – her first Drupal Community event – and was already working on a patch at the sprints on day three, mentored by the inimitable Ruben Teijeiro. Note: I apologise for some audio issues in this recording. Q: What are you going to tell... More
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Drupal history, learning, business, & D8 - Meet Alan Burke

I got the chance to catch up with Alan Burke at DrupalCon Prague. He and I go back a long way; we met at one of the first Drupal events I ever attended, DrupalCon Brussels in 2006. In the meantime Alan and his co-founder Stella Power have built up the successful Drupal agency Annertech in Ireland and they have an impressive list of contributions to Drupal to their names.... More
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Kill the password - privacy on the web - Dan Callahan from Mozilla Persona

Dan Callahan is part of the Identity Team at Mozilla who are trying to solve some of the problems of privacy and security on the Internet that have been hitting the headlines recently. Dan works on the Mozilla Persona project, a system to both replace passwords with verified identities and put that verification under user control, rather than the control of large corporate entities. Background: Now... More
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Drupal 8: CMI, Plugins, OO - Meet Yves Chedemois - Part 2

Part 2 - In this podcast, Yves Chedemois, aka yched, and I cover some changes to Drupal 8 core – CMI, the plugin system, and how they (and object oriented code) benefit developers. Yched is an important contributor to Drupal: he has been a maintainer of what was called CCK in Drupal 4.7 through Drupal 6.x, then became the core Field API... More
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Meet Yves Chedemois - Part 1 - Drupal community funding

Part 1 - I spoke with Yves Chedemois, aka yched, on a very pleasant September afternoon outdoors at DrupalCon Prague. You might hear the odd skateboard or two in the background of our conversation. Yched is an important contributor to Drupal: he has been a maintainer of what was called CCK in Drupal 4.7 through Drupal 6.x, then became the core... More
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Meet Top Shelf Modules - Part 2: Sustainability & Dries Day!

Part 2: I spoke with the Top Shelf Modules team – Susan Rust, Ryan Cross, Rik de Boer, and Karl Scheirer – on November 4, 2013. In part two, we go into more depth about TSM's mission and discuss the sustainability (or... More
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Meet Top Shelf Modules - Part 1

Part 1: I spoke with the Top Shelf Modules team – Susan Rust, Ryan Cross, Rik de Boer, and Karl Scheirer – on November 4, 2013. In part one, we go over the concept behind TSM, the quality and challenges in the Drupal... More
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Come to Drupal South 2014 - Unlikely Hero! - Meet Josh Waihi

In this podcast, I have a chat about Drupal with Josh Waihi, Enterprise Architect for Catalyst IT, and also find out why you should attend Drupal South in Wellington, New Zealand in February 2014 if you possibly can (Submit your session proposals now!) Amazing news, hurray! – Since this podcast was recorded at the DrupalCon Prague... More
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The PHP reality - meet Thijs Feryn

I spoke with Thijs Feryn, Technical Evangelist at Combell at the Portland Convention Center while DrupalCon and Symfony Live were both happening there in May 2013. This conversation gives some background and context to Thijs's Acquia.com guest blog post, "Why PHP is for Real". Thijs's post is about PHP's history, use, and ecosystem (community, frameworks, QA, performance, and my favorite:... More
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Drupal 8 won't kill your kittens: part 4 of 4 - module upgrades and more

Part 4 of 4 – On October 4/5, 2013 (depending on your time zone), I hosted a live Hangout on Air with three major Drupal core contributors: Lee Rowlands (larowlan), Tim Plunket (tim.plunkett / @timplunkett), and Daniel Wehner (dawehner / @da_wehner... More
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Drupal and the Digital Agency - Give to Receive - Meet iKOS

Drupal and the Digital Agency - Give to Receive iKOS is a digital agency specialising in eCommerce and Drupal. I caught up with Myles Davidson, Managing Director and Richard Jones, Technical Director, at DrupalCon Prague where they had been busy getting up to speed on developments in Drupal 8. Share More, Do More Business - Give to Receive Buy This... More
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Drupal 8 won't kill your kittens: part 3 of 4 - Why the fear?

Part 3 of 4 – On October 4/5, 2013 (depending on your time zone), I hosted a live Hangout on Air with three major Drupal core contributors: Lee Rowlands (larowlan), Tim Plunket (tim.plunkett / @timplunkett), and Daniel Wehner (dawehner / @... More
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Drupal 8 wins: unified entities n' plugins!

Part 2 of 4 – On October 4/5, 2013 (depending on your time zone), I hosted a live Hangout on Air with three major Drupal core contributors: Lee Rowlands (larowlan), Tim Plunket (tim.plunkett / @timplunkett), and Daniel Wehner (dawehner / @... More
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Drupal 8 won't kill your kittens - Part 1 of 4

On October 4/5, 2013 (depending on your time zone), I hosted a live Hangout on Air with three major Drupal core contributors: Lee Rowlands (larowlan), Tim Plunket (tim.plunkett / @timplunkett), and Daniel Wehner (dawehner / @da_wehner). We talked... More
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This is SUPPORTA! Meet the Acquia Client Advisory Team

Inside Acquia, the Client Advisory Team is something special. These are the people who are on the front lines, helping others succeed with Drupal 24 hours a day. They go above and beyond the call of duty for anyone who needs help and for other members of their team. In July, I spoke with five Acquia Client Advisors about their work and their team. THIS IS SUPPORTA! What a team! This is a group of technology... More
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The Best Things About Drupal - DrupalCon Portland Rebroadcast

While the Acquia Podcast is busy at DrupalCon Prague, here's a flashback to DrupalCon Portland. I went around the exhibitors' area and through the halls of the Oregon Convention Center asking two vital questions to our community: What is your favorite thing about Drupal? Why should other people come to DrupalCon? This week's podcast is a selection of some of the answers I got and the conversations I had with (not nearly enough of) you wonderful Drupalists! Drupal's... More
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