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Can Your CMS Handle Success?

CMS Selection Guide
To be successful today, an organization must keep up with web-savvy digital natives who switch seamlessly between devices, channels, as well as their work and home personas.

5 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Drupal Website

Drupal is one of the most flexible content management systems in existence. This eBook provides best practices in five crucial areas of building and maintaining an effective Drupal site:

Simple Tips to Improve Drupal Performance: No Coding Required

Drupal is an extremely flexible framework, with an abundance of configuration options. With any large framework, flexibility and performance must be balanced. With correct configuration, Drupal can be lightning fast.

Tap Into Smartphone Demand

‘Mobile-izing’ Enterprise Websites With Flexible, Open Source Platforms
Today’s consumers are adopting the use of mobile devices at a rapid rate: A recent Pew Internet Project report found that 35 percent of American adults own smartphones, and a quarter of them use their mobile devices as their primary means of browsing the Internet. According...

Top Four Best Practices

for Integrating Content and Community
One of the most powerful developments in the evolution of online business in recent years is the ability to combine social features—from ratings and reviews to sharing and full discussion forums—with content features—whether those are straight marketing or informative content, blogs, product descriptions, or database content. But the opportunity to integrate your website content with social features is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. In this ebook we present four ideas for tapping the benefits that come from a strategic blending of community and content.

New Year’s Resolution

Four Tips for Future Proofing Your Commerce Site
The online retail landscape is growing and changing at ever-greater speeds, and increasingly savvy shoppers don’t have much patience for brands that are slow on the uptake. Is your commerce offering up to the task? Are you positioned to adapt to what the coming year might bring? In this ebook, we offer four ideas for future-proofing your site, creating a better online experience for your customers, increasing revenue, and in general building a killer commerce brand.

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Your Online Community

Improve Your Social Offering and Mine Untapped Value from the Crowd
Building an online community around your brand, product, or organization is
 a powerful way to harness the knowledge and enthusiasm of both internal
 and external constituencies. So as you make your plan for the new year, whether you already have social tools in place or are looking to launch a new community, we offer you the following five resolutions to improve your social offering and mine untapped value from the crowd.

Building a Great Drupal Team

The web has seen rapid growth over the last 15 years. In addition, specialization 
of roles and job definitions have increased over the last five years. Meanwhile, these shifts and changes make assembling a great technical team especially difficult. Employers in the field of web development are competing to attract the brightest talents. To create a great digital experience with Drupal, you need a great Drupal team. In this eBook, we share our recommendations for building your great Drupal team.

Putting the Design in Responsive Design

Best Practices Guide
Designing your digital site for desktop or laptop, as well as tablets and smartphones within a single codebase, is called responsive design. The promise of responsive design? A single, digital site optimized for devices with various screen sizes. With so much information and so many content types, communicating key messages effectively is a challenge. This ebook provides best practices to consider while thinking through your redesign.

5 Strategies

For Closing the Content and Commerce Integration Gap
The game has changed for retailers and brands online . Consumers can forge their own unique discovery path through innumerable digital sites and platforms, with limitless options for finding product information and reviews on sites that offer lower price points . In the midst of this digital disruption, organizations are looking to regain control of the brand discovery experience. To remain competitive, brands need to deliver unified and engaging content, commerce, and social experiences at the pace of the web.

The Cloud Revolution

IT Adapts as Hosted Solutions Redefine Tech Roles
Today, cloud computing not only has changed how data is stored, but is permanently altering the role of information technology; IT professionals are using the current upheaval to define new roles, to explore new territories, and to push their companies in new directions . In this ebook, we’ll look at IT’s new role in business strategy and introduce you to the practitioners and thinkers who are taking advantage of the cloud revolution to redefine their careers and the role of IT.

Personalization Quick Start

Creating a Unique Digital Experience for Every Consumer
What is required today is the right message, to the right customer (segment), at the right time (context). Personalization on the web can be split into several categories, and we will review each, including an overview of what is required for implementation. This ebook will serve as a best practices guide for leveraging personalization to build your brand and customer experience.

From Zero to 60...

Build Great Digital Experiences in the Life Sciences Industry with Acquia Cloud Site Factory
Today’s marketplace couldn’t be more competitive. Staying ahead of the competition means being able to respond to a changing market instantly. In the Life Sciences industry, launching a marketing campaign, a new product, a new brand, or even a new family of brands can mean the difference between success…or trailing the pack. Acquia Cloud Site Factory offers a turnkey solution for deploying one—or many—sites quickly and inexpensively, and with rich content. Acquia manages the technology so that you can manage the content.

Can Your CMS Handle Success?

UK Central and Local Government Edition
To be successful today, an organization must keep up with web-savvy digital natives who switch seamlessly between devices, channels, as well as their work and home personas. The objectives of cost efficiency and innovation might appear to be at odds, but the right choice of CMS can mean that your organization can have its cake and eat it too. This eBook provides some insights and recommendations into how to select a CMS that meets your needs.

Building Success on Acquia Cloud: Buyer's Guide

Buyer's Guide Evaluating Application Development and Hosting Options
You have options. Options for how your site is developed, and how that customer experience is deployed. The next-generation hosting solution must not only be the service for hosting an application but also the environment in which to build that application. You must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of your options: do it yourself (DIY) with an on-premise solution, DIY with a hosting provider, or utilize a PaaS solution pre-build for your needs. This eBook is a buyer's guide to outline what you should consider when evaluating DIY versus PaaS solutions.

Can Your CMS Handle Success?

CMS Selection Guide: High Tech Edition
With mobile and digital becoming the center of the marketing experience, responsive design and personalization shouldn’t be afterthoughts; they should be the only thought. Being able to tailor content and differentiate web design based on the current needs and preferences of the consumer is essential.This ebook provides some insights, recommendations, and tips for selecting a new CMS that can assure that your digital experience has the right stuff to keep the consumer engaged until they are ready to contact a salesperson.

Building Success on Acquia Cloud

3 Reasons to Make the Move
Today, staying ahead of the competition requires a great digital experience that can grow to meet the ever changing needs of the public. The platform you build on must enable you to keep pace with the speed of the web and innovate with ease. Acquia Cloud is the most scalable, reliable, and secure hosting platform and is optimized for Drupal—the most agile content management language for building great digital experiences. This eBook serves as an introduction to Acquia Cloud and explains the combination of services and support that provide success you can build on.

Surviving the Mobile Tsunami

What You Need to Know to Catch the Wave
No longer can we think about mobile as an afterthought . Digital mobile experiences—on smartphones, tablets, digital glasses, digital watches, and more—are what we should be thinking about first. Responsive design is crucial. In addition, a consumer must be able to switch from laptop to tablet to smartphone while engaging in a digital experience that never misses a beat. This eBook explains how one can catch the wave of the mobile tsunami, rather than being swept under by it’s brute force.

Introduction to Agile: Software Development at the Speed of the Web

For the business user
The Agile methodology is an evolution in the software development process, but it isn't limited to just software. Find out how you can use this methodology to be more time efficient and cost effective while revolutionizing a product or brand.
