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At Acquia we love Drupal and we are proud to give back to the community by contributing code, sponsoring events, organizing Drupal camps and code sprints.

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Jeannie Finks
Organized Global Sprint Weekend, Boston

Boston Full Day Sprint Jan 25, part of the Global Sprint Weekend 2014

For some Drupal developers or site builders, they've been telling themselves for months to start contributing to Drupal core. Sprints are a chance to get started with in-person training and mentoring from friendly, experienced core contributors. And to start becoming familiar with Drupal 8!

If folks are working already on core, sprints are a fantastic opportunity to meet other contributors, hang out in person, mentor newbies, and work on manageable tasks in the Drupal core queue.

Martin Hrabovcin
Services Client 2.x

Pushed new version of Services Client module (2.x). This version of mostly rewrite of original module and focuses on developer experince, flexibilty and stability.

Security team duties
  • Triaged and assigned issues to the members
  • Reviewed a couple of patches
  • Mentored a new team member
Moshe Weitzman
Migrate in Drupal 8 core

Participated in code sprints at BADcamp to put migrate into Drupal 8 core. Worked on Drupal 6 => Drupal 8 upgrade path.

Cameron Tod
Mentored new contributors at DrupalCon Prague

I joined a team of volunteers in Prague who helped interested people become contributors to Drupal.

Sites we've built to promote Drupal

Fighting fear, uncertainty and doubt about Drupal. Drupal myths debunks common Drupal misconceptions.
Free hosted sites for anyone. Drupal Gardens provides a quick on-ramp to Drupal with no lock-in.
Listing thousands of Drupal sites in every category. It is free to list and site owners control their message.
The report looks at how Drupal handles security in systems built to take input from a variety of sources.