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5 Mistakes to Avoid on your Drupal Website - Number 1: Architecture

Drupal is one of the most flexible content management systems in existence. In this blog series, I'll go over five mistakes to avoid on your Drupal website which include: architecture, security, performance, infrastructure, and website lifecycle management. Hat tip to my colleague Ryan MacInnis for prompting me to write this up! From an architecture standpoint, these are the most vital decisions you'll make to ensure the success and performance of your Drupal website. How you structure content How you configure the display How you organize functionality Architecture: Content Content is the... More

All Commerce is Social: The 3 Phases of Purchase

Way back in 1999 -- a thousand years ago in internet years -- writer and designer named Darcy DiNucci coined the phrase Web 2.0. This marked the beginning of the web as a social experience, eventually altering commerce so that today customers can be brand advocates who play a crucial role in building your business. You already know that your customers are talking about your brand on social media platforms, posting images from your product pages to Pinterest, and checking reviews. The brick-and-mortar and virtual commerce experiences have become so intertwined that customers sometimes even... More

De basis van seo: hoger komen in de zoekmachines doe je zo

Een gestructureerde website, unieke en relevante content en inkomende links van andere websites. Dat zijn belangrijke ingrediënten voor een hoge ranking in de zoekmachineresultaten, zo blijkt uit de infographic ontwikkeld door de Music Business Association en mede mogelijk gemaakt door Acquia. Belangrijk is dat contentbeheerders beseffen dat search engine optimization (seo) een oneindig proces is. Je moet je website altijd blijven verbeteren wil je de concurrent verslaan. Als contentbeheerder van een website kun je zelf veel doen om je ranking in de zoekmachines te verbeteren. Als je een goed... More

Keeping Pace with DigitalDisruption.com

Here are some of the past week's highlights from DigitalDisruption.com, Acquia's portal for examining the impact of digital disruption. Steve Wozniak shares insights on future, and past What’s on the mind of, Steve Wozniak, the man who holds the patent for “microcomputer for use with video display?” Not surprisingly for the man who built the first MacIntosh computer, he’s thinking about the usability of technology, specifically wearable technology.... More

“The Force” is with Twitter’s Brand Strategist at Apps World

Cross-posted with permission from Digital Disruption SAN FRANCISCO - The dust has settled and the inflatable Android blow-up dolls have been put away...Apps World North America is officially over. I finished Day 2 with probably the best talk I heard this week, given by Marc Heedt of Twitter. The brand strategist and social TV specialist for the online social networking platform, Heedt talked about how TV and Twitter are the “force multiplier” in the second screen experience. “We’re seeing... More

Mobile is Changing the Game for Sephora

Cross-posted with permission from Digital Disruption SAN FRANCISCO- While you may be familiar with Sephora as the cosmetic store at the local mall, the beauty chain is very comfortable in the virtual marketplace as well, concentrating on social and mobile platforms. I had the chance to catch up with Danny Sullivan, vice president of mobile for Sephora, while attending Day 2 of Apps World North America. I asked Sullivan to talk about how Sephora is approaching mobile and utilizing responsive design.... More

The Power of Drupal Multi-site - Part 1: Code Management

Drupal has a fantastically useful feature called Multi-site - it allows you to serve many sites from a single Drupal codebase. This can greatly reduce the overhead of managing code across multiple sites, and enables great agility in launching new sites quickly. In this article, I'll go into the detail of multi-site and try to demonstrate how it could be useful for your organisation, and in a follow up post, I'll talk about the infrastructure considerations you'll need to make when planning to deploy your... More

Apps World North America: Day 1 Recap

Cross-posted with permission from Digital Disruption After eight hours of panels, startup and app presentations, and a keynote by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, day 1 of Apps World North America is complete. Here are some of the highlights: Steve Wozniak's Keynote Right off the bat, Wozniak urged the crowd of about 8,000 to really think about what it means to be innovative. He pointed out that IBM had claimed to have been an innovative brand for 20 years, but more... More

Steve Wozniak shares insights on future, and past

Cross-posted with permission from Digital Disruption SAN FRANCISCO -- What’s on the mind of, Steve Wozniak, the man who holds the patent for “microcomputer for use with video display?” Not surprisingly for the man who built the first MacIntosh computer, he’s thinking about the usability of technology, specifically wearable technology. “Wearable tech is something that is huge today,” the personal computing pioneer who has come to be known simply as “Woz,” told me, adding, “But I think its... More

Responsive Website Launch: St. John’s University Rolls Out New Drupal Site

Cross-posted with permission from OHO Interactive Launching a national advertising campaign that invests your valuable budget dollars in television, radio, print, outdoor, and online media is a great way to drive traffic and give a push toward reaching your business goals. But if you’re driving to a poor web experience, you’re wasting your money.... More

Janez Urevc on Media in Drupal 8

I spoke with Slovenian Drupalist-extraordinary Janez Urevc at Drupal Camp Vienna 2013. Alongside being a Drupal developer at examiner.com, he is also a major force in everything media+Drupal. Janez is slashrsm on Drupal.org, Twitter and "all the other online services you can imagine." He's on the team planning Drupal Camp Alpe-Adria 2014, which will be in the beautiful Slovenian resort town of Portoroz in May. Knowing the wonderful Drupal community in Slovenia... More

Acquia Rated Positive in Gartner MarketScope for User Experience Platforms

Late last week, Acquia was rated Positive by Gartner in their new MarketScope for User Experience Platforms. What are User Experience Platforms (UXP) you ask? Here's what Gartner says: Traditional approaches to architecting, developing and managing websites, portal sites and mobile apps use a variety of disconnected and duplicative tools... A UXP is an integrated set of tools for delivering modern websites and portals. It focuses on the front end, the presentation and user interaction layer. When Gartner kicked off their... More

Using Personas to Personalize User Experiences

Cross-posted with permission from Blue Coda As user experience management continues to evolve on the web, websites are adapting by creating personalized experiences for their users. One of the ways we see many websites using personalization is through personas. Users can be grouped into personas based on comparing current web analytics to historic data. If you can determine the types of content most interesting to a particular persona, you can tailor their experience on your website to... More

Keeping Pace with DigitalDisruption.com

Here are some of the past week's highlights from DigitalDisruption.com, Acquia's portal for examining the impact of digital disruption. Vigo's on watch to keep you alert Do you remember the last time you felt tired or drowsy and your productively levels suffered? What if there was a piece of wearable technology that knew when you were tired before you did in order to make you as alert and productive as possible? Meet Vigo, a wearable bluetooth piece that aims to do just that. I had the opportunity to talk to recent University of... More

2012 Greatest Hits - Drupal Camp Sofia, Bulgaria

A quick blast from the past this week from the first Drupal community event at which I was recording material for a podcast. This gives this particular event an extra sparkle in my memory. True to form for the Drupal community around the world, many of the people I met at this camp have become friends with whom I stay in touch or even get to see now and then at a DrupalCon or Drupal Camp somewhere. Community ftw! ---Original post from April, 2012--- I just got back from a fantastic weekend with a couple hundred members of the Bulgarian Drupal community at Drupal Camp Sofia 2012. There... More

Behind the Curtain: GRAMMY.com on Acquia Cloud

This past Sunday I was part of the Acquia team working behind the scenes to help support the GRAMMY Awards website crew, whose talented members make the GRAMMY.com experience such a success. I was on the ground at the Nokia Theater L.A. Live, getting an inside look at the GRAMMY team in action, and serving as the communications link through Google Hangout back to Acquia operations and support. The challenges of a GRAMMY Awards night are nearly unmatched as we had to ensure that the website would scale to meet incredible demand. Whenever... More

5 key features to be excited about in Drupal 8

It’s been about 3 years since the last major release of Drupal and with over 1,700 contributors who are hard at work building the next iteration, Drupal 8 will be upon us before we know it. Are you excited about Drupal 8? Here are five key features we’re very excited to get our hands on and get into the hands of our clients. 1. Manage your site’s content...from your phone. Anyone that’s ever administered a website knows that it’s best done while using a desktop or laptop. Much of the backend functionality simply doesn’t work, or doesn’t support mobile platforms. The... More

Rétrospective Acquia 2013

Comme le veut la tradition, c’est le moment de ma rétrospective annuelle consacrée à Acquia. Que s’est-il passé en 2013? Dans la vie, nous avons l’opportunité de faire tellement de choses, qu’il est important de se concentrer sur celles qui comptent vraiment. Drupal et Acquia sont deux très belles histoires. Ces rétrospectives sont faites pour vous mais aussi pour moi-même, c’est pourquoi je les rédige avec beaucoup d’attention. Elles sont écrites pour vous, car elles... More

Higher Education’s Equation: Simplify Digital Complexity

Colleges and universities were some of the first organizations to create websites. They are natural content generators with access to great thinkers, cutting edge research and engaged students, not to mention they embody the word community. The web, as a result, was the perfect vehicle for them to communicate all they had to share and connect what they knew with those who were seeking the content that mattered to them. But as we look at today’s landscape and the evolution of higher education digital strategies, is the compatibility of the web and higher education too much of a good thing... More

Selecting a New CMS? Don't Skip the Proof of Concept

Would you buy a house, based only on its curb appeal? Would you buy a car without test driving it? Would you even buy a pair of new jeans without trying them on first? (Ok, I've done this. And it goes badly every time). In all three cases, I hope the answer is no. When making major decisions like buying a new house or car, we invest a considerable amount of time and effort into making sure we make the right choice.  So why are companies selecting a new CMS without test driving the product? Selecting the Vendor with the Best Demo The process for selecting a new CMS often seems to be: 1)... More

Project QA: With Great Power

This is part 1 of a 3 part series overviewing the Project QA Drupal module: Introducing Project QA: Part 1 (Introductions) Project QA: Writing a Submodule Project QA: With Great Power You can check out the project page on Drupal.org or even see a live demo over at projectqa.nateofnine.com. As I developed this module I became more and more excited about what these tools I kept finding could do if I were to... More

IT führt „Cloud First” auf Erfolgskurs

Wenn ein Unternehmen neue Wege gehen will, stellt sich die Frage: Wohin soll es sich wenden, um die perfekte Kombination an Cloud-Services zu finden und das Projekt effektiv und wirtschaftlich umzusetzen? Laut Mark Weinstein sollte die IT-Abteilung diesbezüglich der richtige Ansprechpartner sein. Nach über 30jähriger Tätigkeit für verschiedene große Finanzdienstleister agiert Weinstein in seiner Funktion als „Teilzeit CIO” heute als Berater kleiner und mittelständischer Unternehmen und greift ihnen bei der Optimierung ihres Technikmangements unter die Arme. Weinstein ist der Meinung, dass IT-... More

Stakeholder Visibility Will Ensure Government IT Success

The recent BBC interview with Bill Crothers about IT suppliers in the public sector was depressingly familiar. In particular, the remark from Sir Francis Maude1 about the government department that was charged £30,000 for changing the text on a web page sent a shudder down my spine. Just to put this into context for a moment, £30,000 is almost three times what someone working for 37 hours a week on minimum wage would earn. These are ludicrous sums of money for what should be very simple processes. The sad fact is that IT suppliers often charge unreasonable amounts to deliver (sometimes... More

Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 3

Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 3 - Today we wrap up this mini series with Larry Garfield, Kris Vanderwater, and me answering the question "Do I need to learn Symfony to develop for Drupal 8?", getting the lowdown on plugins, and doing a wrap-up on the important points from our whole, 3-part conversation. In August 2013, I spoke with Larry Garfield and Kris Vanderwater in a 90+ minute live Hangout on Air about the origins, details, and implications of the big architectural changes... More

This (two) weeks in Drupal Core

What's new with Drupal 8? Last week, in lieu of a This week in Drupal Core, xjm and wechick compiled a phenomenal This YEAR in Drupal Core, so here's a catch up of the last two weeks. Happy 13th birthday, Drupal! Drupal 1.0.0 was released on January 15th, 2001. Many software projects from that era are long forgotten by now. That we have stayed relevant and gotten stronger through 13 years of fast and chaotic evolution of the internet is, in my opinion, very impressive. Here's some highlights from the birthday:... More
