Write good Tweets

Learn how to make 140 characters sing.

Voice and style

Keep it conversational.

Write a Tweet like you’re having a conversation with a good friend. Strive for a genuine, approachable communication style. Stay away from “marketing speak”—it’ll go a long way in making your voice your own.

Employ your razor wit.

This is also your chance to show off your own brand of humor, wit and know-how. People seek education and entertainment online. Use Twitter as a way to provide it.

More about brand personality


Make it shareable.

What makes people share? Funny, helpful, newsworthy or inspiring content. When you write a Tweet, imagine how your followers will use it. How will it help them? Every Tweet should have a purpose.

Tweet exceptional content.

On Twitter, there’s a pattern: the most retweeted content tends to contain links, pictures, videos or quotes. Paste a link of any length into the Tweet box and it will automatically be shortened to fit the 140 character limit.

More about photos, videos and content


What’s the best way to engage your followers?

Ask questions. Listen. Then show people you’re listening by responding. You’ll be amazed at the valuable insights you’ll get about your customers.

Watch the clock.

Twitter happens in real time so there’s plenty of opportunity to guide conversations when they are most relevant to users. Keep your messages timely by tweeting relevant Tweets during events or breaking news.