Posts from The Twitter Blog: politics

Responses to the 2014 State of the Union

From the start of the State of the Union through the conclusion of the official Republican response, there were 1.7 million Tweets.Read more…

How to follow the 2014 State of the Union

The President’s State of the Union address follows a yearly tradition that began in 1790. That first address, delivered by George Washington, was the shortest at 1,089 words. Tonight, you can follow President Obama’s remarks in 140 characters and 6 seconds.Read more…

Twitter reactions to the #Fed confirmation


Yesterday, Dr. Janet Yellen was confirmed as the newest Chairperson of the @FederalReserve, the first woman to hold that post. She also became the first #Fed chair to have her appointment debated and celebrated over Twitter — the last time that a new chairperson was appointed, Twitter wasn’t around.Read more…

Election day 2013


It’s the first Tuesday of November, so it’s election day in the U.S. — don’t forget to vote! Twitter can help you prepare to cast your ballot today, and to stay engaged with your elected officials every day.

Right now, you’ll find the following major government officials on Twitter:Read more…

24 hours of global governance

Over the course of 24 hours, global attention turned to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Texas state legislature and the Australian Parliament — and Twitter served as the global town square for all of these significant civic showdowns.Read more…

#OnlyOnTwitter: A Presidential Week

It’s been a historic week on Twitter, as two former U.S. Presidents let their presence be known on Twitter. Bill Clinton joined the ranks of President Barack Obama, all 100 U.S. Senators and 95 percent of the House of Representatives, while the dedication of George W. Bush’s new Bush Center brought us closer to all 5 living presidents via Twitter.Read more…

#OnlyOnTwitter: Mr. Paul Goes to Washington and the Senate filibuster

In a modern-day “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” moment, Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul), R-Kentucky, stood on the Senate floor for almost 13 hours yesterday. He was using the filibuster to debate the Obama Administration’s drone policy prior to a vote on the White House’s nomination for CIA director.

The day began around 11:47am EST:Read more…

2013 State of the Union


Each year the President’s State of the Union speech, and the opposition response that follows it, ignites a national conversation about a host of issues. Tonight’s #SOTU address and response drew more than 1.36 million Tweets.Read more…

#OnlyOnTwitter: State Department changes

The beginning of a new term in Washington marks changes in many of the government’s highest offices. Yesterday was noteworthy at the US Department of State, as outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held her last Town Hall, and Senator John Kerry was confirmed as the new Secretary. Of course, both occasions played out on Twitter.Read more…

#OnlyOnTwitter: Inauguration Day

Tweets from yesterday’s Presidential Inauguration offer a glimpse into the pageantry that swept D.C. Whether they were dignitaries seated onstage or citizens lining the streets, plenty of people shared pictures that captured the spirit of the day.Read more…
