Posts from all blogs: literary

Twitter Fiction Festival 2014


Twitter ist bekannt dafür, das Leben in Echtzeit abzubilden, eignet sich aber auch bestens für eine andere Art der Erzählkunst: der FiktionRead more…

Devenez auteurs avec le Festival #TwitterFiction


L’Association Américaine des éditeurs (@AmericanPublish) et la Penguin Random House (@PenguinRH_News), a lancé aujourd’hui la nouvelle édition du Festival #TwitterFiction, qui aura lieu du 12 au 16 Mars 2014, en partenariat avec Twitter. Read more…

Tell your stories with #TwitterFiction


Though Twitter is famous for its utility in telling real-life, real-time stories, it’s also an enormously powerful tool for another kind of storytelling: fiction.Read more…

Cuenta tus historias con #TwitterFiction


Aunque Twitter es conocido por su utilidad en contar historias de la vida real en tiempo real, también es una poderosa herramienta para otro tipo de historias: de ficción.Read more…

Racconta le tue storie con #TwitterFiction


Nonostante Twitter sia famoso per la sua utilità nel raccontare la vita reale e le storie in tempo reale, è anche uno strumento incredibilmente potente per un altro tipo di narrazione: la fiction, o narrativa.Read more…

Tell your stories with #TwitterFiction


Though Twitter is famous for its utility in telling real-life, real-time stories, it’s also an enormously powerful tool for another kind of storytelling: fiction.Read more…

#角川小説 オールジャンルコンテストノミネート作品発表


この4月、角川書店グループさんがTwitter上で小説を執筆する #角川小説 オールジャンルコンテストを開催されました。約3ヶ月間の応募期間を経て、7月16日に受付投稿が終了しました。応募総数は予想を上回る1,000作品以上、投稿数80,000 ツイート以上と、たくさんのご応募誠にありがとうございました。 Read more…

Twitter Fiction Festival selections


After reviewing a wide array of entries from 20+ countries, the Twitter Fiction Festival selection panel has chosen a diverse array of storytelling projects to showcase during the Festival. The external panel was composed of experts from around the publishing industry in the US, but the showcase they’ve selected includes published and novice authors from all over the globe. These special Twitter experiments will be highlighted on a dedicated showcase page during the Festival, starting Wednesday.Read more…

Announcing the Twitter Fiction Festival panel


With the submission deadline for our Twitter Fiction Festival coming up on Thursday, now’s a good time to introduce you to the people who will help us decide what to showcase. They come from all across the writing world, and we’re thrilled to have their input.Read more…

Announcing the Twitter Fiction Festival


Twitter is a place to tell stories. Often those stories are about news, or politics, or perhaps sports or music, but it turns out Twitter is a great place for telling fictional stories, too. As one professor from Michigan State University says, “Tweeting can be thought of as a new literary practice.” We want to celebrate that.Read more…
