Donate and help girls around the world get clean water to drink.

100% of every dollar you raise will fund clean water projects.

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We’re a non-profit organization on a mission to bring clean and safe drinking water to every person on the planet. Join us.

Sponsor a water project and give clean water to an entire community.

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Fundraising Campaign

56,659 people have started campaigns for clean water and you can too.

800 million people don't have access to clean drinking water. That’s 1 in 9 of us.

We’ve funded 9,458 water projects in 20 countries. Here are three things that make us different.

100% Model

Private donors fund our operating costs so 100% of your donations go straight to the field.

Proving It

We prove every water project we build using photos and GPS coordinates on Google Maps.

Local Partners

We work with strong local partners on the ground to build and maintain water projects.

Learn About Our Work