Posts from The Twitter Blog: policy

Victory for free expression in Turkish court

Two days ago, we filed petitions in Turkish court to challenge the access ban on Twitter, joining Turkish journalists and legal experts, Turkish citizens, and the international community.Read more…

Challenging the access ban in Turkey

It’s now been six days since the Turkish government blocked access to Twitter. Throughout this time, we’ve been engaged in discussion with Turkish authorities to hear their concerns, inform them about how our platform and policies work, and try and bring this situation to a resolution. But still, the millions of people in Turkey who turn to Twitter to make their voices heard are being kept from doing just that.Read more…

Fighting for more #transparency

As we’ve shown over the years, Twitter is firmly committed to enabling free expression around the world and providing meaningful transparency to our users.Read more…

Working to increase #transparency: Our latest report

A lot has happened in the data privacy space since the release of our last #transparency report back in January. As we’ve noted, we believe the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact.Read more…

Twitter Transparency Report v2

Last July we released our first Twitter Transparency Report (#TTR), publishing six months of data detailing the volume of government requests we receive for user information, government requests to withhold content, and Digital Millennium Copyright Act-related complaints from copyright holders.Read more…

Twitter Transparency Report

Wednesday marks Independence Day here in the United States. Beyond the fireworks and barbecue, July 4th serves as an important reminder of the need to hold governments accountable, especially on behalf of those who may not have a chance to do so themselves.

With that in mind, today we’re unveiling our first Twitter Transparency Report. Inspired by the great work done by our peers @Google, the primary goal of this report is to shed more light on:Read more…

Tweets still must flow

One year ago, we posted “The Tweets Must Flow,” in which we said,Read more…

The Tweets Must Flow


Our goal is to instantly connect people everywhere to what is most meaningful to them. For this to happen, freedom of expression is essential. Some Tweets may facilitate positive change in a repressed country, some make us laugh, some make us think, some downright anger a vast majority of users. We don’t always agree with the things people choose to tweet, but we keep the information flowing irrespective of any view we may have about the content.Read more…