Posts from all blogs: Trends

Sur Twitter, les célébrités se dévoilent pour le plus grand plaisir de leurs fans

Depuis les premiers jours de Twitter, les stars et leurs followers ont utilisé la plateforme pour échanger en toute simplicité. Et aujourd’hui, les stars sont de plus de plus nombreuses à se prêter au jeu.Read more…

Cette semaine sur Twitter, le Geek fut chic

#iOS7, #iPhone5S, #iPhone5C, #Windows8… cette semaine les sorties “techno” ont animé les conversations sur Twitter. Mais s’il est une actu qui vous a fait vibrer, c’est bien la sortie de #GTAV ce mardi 17 septembre.Read more…



ゴールデンウィーク後半の連休を含む1週間でたくさんリツイートされたツイートをご紹介します。 先日Twitterを初められたばかりの松本人志さん(@matsu_bouzu) のツイートがいきなり登場です。最後のパスタもちょっと試してみたくなります。Read more…

Trends in 10 new UK locations

Today, we’re introducing Twitter Trends 10 new UK locations: Bournemouth, Middlesbrough, Stoke-on-Trent, Coventry, Hull, Swansea, Preston, Blackpool, Plymouth and Derby, alongside more than 160 other locations around the world.

Trends are an easy way to find out what people are talking about right now –– around the world, in your country, or in your city. By checking out Trends, you can easily find breaking news and current hot topics that are most relevant to you.Read more…

NHL on Twitter: #hockeyisback


The much-awaited start of this year’s @NHL season is Saturday. That’s right, puck fans, #hockeyisback. When the news was first announced earlier this month, fans were so excited that there were more tweets about the NHL than during the final Stanley Cup game last season. As the new season kicks off with 13 games on opening day, Twitter will be your all-access pass to follow the action on and off the ice.Read more…

Our year in Twitter news and notes

As the year ends, we wanted to look through our various communication channels to learn what news and notes have interested you most in the past 12 months.

First up, @twitter. Here are the top 5 tweets of the year (those with the most clicks and retweets):

1) New Twitter ProfilesRead more…

Resolved: It’s time for resolutions


The New Year is upon us, and soon many of you will share your wishes and resolutions on Twitter for the year ahead. We’ll all be watching as the world rings in 2013 with Tweets from Sydney to London to LA, and everywhere in between.Read more…

Este Ano No Twitter

Todos os dias, nós ficamos maravilhados e gratos pelas diferentes maneiras com que as pessoas usam o Twitter. 2012 foi vivido intensamente no Twitter, no mundo e no Brasil. A cada grande e importante momento, pessoas retweetavam em tempo real, compartilhando visões, opiniões, argumentos, sentimentos e informações.Read more…

This Year on Twitter

Update: We’ve added two screenshots below for those of you who want the front page artwork for web and mobile versions.Read more…

Trending where you are


Today, we launched Trends in 100 more cities around the world, including twelve new UK locations: Belfast, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham, Portsmouth and Sheffield.

In addition to these new cities, you can also see Trends in Birmingham, Glasgow, London, and Manchester.

By viewing Trends in these cities, it’s easier than ever before to find out what’s going on in your area and to get involved in the conversations. You can browse any of these locations by clicking “Change” in the Trends sidebar.Read more…
