How to follow the 2014 State of the Union

The President’s State of the Union address follows a yearly tradition that began in 1790. That first address, delivered by George Washington, was the shortest at 1,089 words. Tonight, you can follow President Obama’s remarks in 140 characters and 6 seconds.

The White House created several ways for you to track and discuss the speech, familiarly known as SOTU, via Twitter. At, you’ll find charts, data, graphics, and other content updating in real time during the #SOTU, all of which will be tweetable. The @WhiteHouse account will be tweeting out memorable lines from the speech as it unfolds; be on the lookout for 140-character soundbites sprinkled throughout the address.

To encourage citizens to engage in watching the #SOTU, and perhaps offering a hint at the theme of the address, @WhiteHouse tapped none other than the Commander in Chief to deliver this Vine message:

With all 100 Senators, 97% of the House of Representatives, and all 50 governors on Twitter, you’ll find instant reactions from elected officials all around the country. During and immediately following political events like this, Twitter becomes the real-time spin room, offering a platform for a lively discussion of the issues at the heart of the #SOTU. With Vine, officials and commentators will have a chance to offer their 6 second spins.

At, you’ll find instant reactions from the Congressional Republicans. Next to their video stream of the #SOTU address will be an embedded timeline of Tweets flowing in to fact-check and respond to Obama’s points. House Speaker John Boehner (@SpeakerBoehner), the highest ranking member of the GOP, has organized rapid-response for tonight via Twitter and Vine.

Following Obama’s speech, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (@CathyMcMorris) will deliver the official Republican Address in response. She’s already sharing her preparation on Vine:

Follow the hashtag #SOTU to be a part of tonight’s live (and lively) discussion of the State of the Union and Republican Address. Check back here later tonight, when we’ll share insights about which moments and topics ignited conversation from lawmakers and citizens.