The Official Twitter Blog

Keeping you connected to everything happening in the global town square.

Results from The Twitter Blog forApril 2013

New mobile updates for Android, iPhone and mobile web


Hack Week @ Twitter


Our second Hack Week of the year has just begun. (Yes, it is April Fools Day; no this is not a joke.) This is one of my favorite parts of each quarter –– as a company, we take a full week to work with people from other teams, explore new ideas, experiment with different projects and let our creativity run wild.Read more…

This Week on Twitter - Apr. 1

Ongoing; check local listings NCAA (@NCAA) March Madness continues this week. For instant replays, updates and the latest throughout the tourney, be sure to follow @MarchMadness, @MarchMadnessTV and @HoopsonCBS. Tweet along during the final games with the hashtag #MarchMadness.Read more…
