Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers

Why not give a sailing course, or a contribution towards a course, to a friend or family member.

Courses from £220 - Vouchers from £50. (We can provide a gift pack to present on the day)

Call now for more details.



Your Course, Your Premises

On site RYA Theory Courses

Would you like to attend a RYA Sailing Course, but cannot find one in your area? Would you like to organise one locally? Perhaps in your local club or even your workplace?

We will give a 50% discount on the value of one course place for every 6 people that attend! Want to know more?

Alternatively, it is now possible to get your place completely free if 11 or more people sign up.

Once you have decided on the dates and advertised your course, we will do all the work, take the bookings and administer the course fees. Leaving you free to enjoy the course on the day. Call now for more details.