@spt_samaria nice!!! want to be there! -
#Sailing academy is International Sailing Academy in#LaCruzdeHuanacaxtle they offer#sailing clinics http://ow.ly/tu8sV -
March 16-30, the
#Regatta#CopaMexico 2014. It's a true#nautical extravaganza. Location:#Marina#RivieraNayarit - At#laCruzdeHuanacaxtle -
Next March 12-15, the 22nd
#BanderasBay International#Regatta. Location:#NuevoVallarta -@VallartaYC -
@VallartaYC has 15#optimists boats, 7 of them are for competitions, 3#lasers, 1#zuma and 4 tables#RivieraNayarit -
#Marina#RivieraNayarit in#LaCruz the sailing lessons are for kids, juniors and adults. Categories Optimist & 420 http://ow.ly/ttKn5 -
@V_deViaje:#turismo Las Islas Marietas - http://bit.ly/1e7rTtk pic.twitter.com/rLCKSDadwA@riv_nayarit#rivieranayarit@RivieraNayarit -
#RivieraNayarit “Hearts” its Visitors with a free night in a Deluxe Gold room at the@HRHVallarta http://ow.ly/tt4Bd -
So, you don't have excuse to miss out
#Platanitos#Beach a new place to discover in the#RivieraNayarit http://ow.ly/tqzTv -
#Platanitos#Beach you'll find camping places,cabins and seashore restaurants to have some beer and delicious seafood#RivieraNayarit -
#Platanitos#Beach#RivieraNayarit is perfect to spend a family day; great#snorqueling is practiced due to sunk old boats serving as#reefs -
#Platanitos#Beach#RivieraNayarit, used to be the place where coconut oil, tobacco & cotton produced at Hacienda Ixtapa were shipped abroad -
#Platanitos#Beach is ideal for sunbathing &relaxing, very close from#Cora &#Tecuitata waterfalls. Perfect combination for nature lovers -
#Platanitos#Beach North to south, from#Tepic take 200 Highway to#PuertoVallarta, you'll find it 12miles before arriving#PuntaElCustodio
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