Tweeturi / Tot / Fără răspunsuri

  1. Update: We are removing HTTP 1.0 support for the remaining Streaming API endpoints on Mon., Jan. 13. More details:

  2. Note: A "blackout test" will be performed tmw btw 11am-1pm PST, and HTTP plaintext connections will be unavailable.

  3. Reminder: We are deploying a fix to Tweet Entities for Retweets today. Read more about the change:

  4. If a user has granted your app direct message read access, OAuth can be used to display any uploaded media:

  5. Developers in Brazil can keep abreast of news by following , our new Portuguese account managed by !

  6. Unicode spaces (not only ASCII spaces) are now word separators while tracking keywords with statuses/filter. Try it:

  7. Hi developers! This is a reminder that we're retiring the POST geo/place API method today. Details:

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