
  1. How to add images from flickr: When you are logged in flickr, you can access your images because you have ente...

  2. Hmm, grabbed images are sorted in reverse order. Can you send me a screenshot at info (at) inlinkz (dot) com ?

  3. New add link method default for old widget too.: The new add link method (more here) is now the default entry ...

  4. you will be able to set it up to 2/28th tomorrow. It counts from today. You can still set it to the 27th and edit it later

  5. It seems our ISP is facing some connectivity problems. Stay tuned for updates..

  6. you only need an InLinkz account if you need to run such a linkup in your own blog. If you need help just send an email :)

  7. hi Tonia!. You added a link to someone's linkup. It will be visible when you visit their blog. No InLinkz account needed

  8. You can now sort your linkup entries by name too, in the linkup tool moderation panel

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