Sultanate of Oman Bursary Scheme

Funding is available for young people interested in experiencing sailing in a Tall Ships Race. Sail Training International has created a bursary scheme in partnership with the Sultanate of Oman to provide opportunities to trainees who need additional support. Read more below.

The Sultanate of Oman Bursary scheme is available to any young person aged between 15 and 25 regardless of background, physical ability or sailing experience,  
with particular emphasis on those who are financially  disadvantaged or with a physical disability.  

Each year, the scheme will help fund young people from around the world to benefit from the life-changing experience gained from participation in races and regattas organised by Sail Training International. A maximum of €500 will be awarded to each selected trainee.

The scheme was trialled at The Tall Ships Races 2011 which saw 25 trainees from seven countries receive funds from this Bursary and in 2012, the first year of the scheme’s full implementation, 100 young people from 28 countries benefited from the scheme.

Oman has a long-standing relationship with events organised by Sail Training International and a commitment to youth development. The name of the Navy of Oman's own ship, Shabab Oman, means 'Youth of Oman' and the ship has won our prestigious International Friendship Trophy no fewer than eight times! A huge achievement as the trophy is decided via a secret ballot voted by the participating Captains and their crews.

How to apply:

If you are interested in applying for the Oman bursary, please click here to download the application form. You don't know if you don't try!


Josh Mandich (Aged 24, USA) Crew member on board ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT II –  The Tall Ships Races 2013

Josh Mandich (Aged 24, USA) Crew member on board ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT II –  The Tall Ships Races 2013
“The experience on board was incredible and we greatly appreciate what the Sultan did for us. It was something that was so unique and exciting we will never forget it.  On our journey we encountered a storm, calm waters and lots of different wind. One of my favourite things has been sharing our experience with all of my friends back home, many of whom have never heard about The Tall Ships Races or the Sultan of Oman. It has been a lot of fun sharing our journey with them and I think some are inspired to someday do what I did. Once again, thank you so much for the incredible experience. I really appreciate the Sultan's generosity… "