
Responsive website with Umbraco CMS

Global recruitment consultants Faststream had begun to notice the rise in traffic from mobile devices, which their previous site rendered badly upon - losing them potentially valuable candidate registrations. In addition, their old bespoke CMS was hard to use and regularly failing, and could no longer be realistically maintained.
We took the foundation of their site database, and built a new mobile-friendly responsive site. We included user-centric features including 'Apply with LinkedIn', a fast, streamlined process for candidates to apply for jobs, all whilst retaining a powerful job search and filtering system powered by the existing bespoke code.

The Result

23% uplift in job applications from mobile devices. Reduced bounce rate from mobile devices resulting in 117% increase in mobile visits (Jan 2013 vs Jan 2012).

The Deliverables

  • Responsive Build
  • Content Management
We built Faststream a website that looks beautiful on all devices.

Responsive Content Managed Website

The new site is fully responsive, delivering an optimised experience across mobile, tablet and desktop devices. The Umbraco CMS allows marketing staff to easily publish content, including candidate and employer guides for each sector.

Backoffice Integration

The site is now fully integrated with BroadBean, the leading job posting and distribution system, allowing consultants to post jobs directly to the website and receive applications in a streamlined & efficient manner.

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