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Are you concerned about or currently facing foreclosure?

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Are you behind on your mortgage and facing foreclosure? Are banks harassing you? Scared of losing your house? Worry no more. Contact the staff at Mortgage Mayday today.

Letter from Ray

I understand that this is a very difficult time for you and your family. I've had personal friends in your situation and it's been a very rewarding feeling personally for me to be in a position to help them. Over the past three decades I’ve been in a unique position to help families for generations through some very hard and trying times. I’ve seen and helped people through three major recessions in Connecticut. Still, it saddens me to see a state of affairs that has allowed towns in my home state to be among the highest in the country for foreclosure.

One thing I would like to make very clear to you: At no time should you feel embarrassed to call me. All of us have fallen on hard times. You can sure bet that someone who’s been alive as long as I have has too! It would be my pleasure to help you and your family to maintain the happiness you’ve always hoped for,

Ray Antonacci knows connecticut foreclosure law.
Ray Antonacci, Attorney



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