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Probably the biggest class in the club and certainly the most diverse, the Handicap class caters for any boat which does not fit into the established club classes. We have family orientated boats such as the Wayfarer to out and out racers like the RS300.

Members of the handicap fleet enjoy competitive racing, cruising and pottering, but all are united by the common thread of the enjoyment of sailing. Members have cruised widely whilst others have raced all around the UK and further afield.

The club holds various events throughout the year to cater for all tastes, there are a number of ‘Go Sailing days’ when members can come and just sail on the lake with safety cover or join in with the free organized coaching session. There are also various handicap racing series throughout the year, including the Frostbite and Chilli dog series in the colder months, the Trophy days which combine to form the club championship throughout the summer when we invite the established classes to join our handicap racing.

Throughout the summer the ‘Hot Dog’ series runs on Wednesday evenings, this informal racing series often sees over 30 boats on the water followed by hot dogs and the bar.

Whatever you sail you are welcome to join us in the handicap class.


Copyright © 2013 South Cerney Sailing Club Limited