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See the best Alpine Skiiers in action, get an idea of what Alpine Skiing will be like in Sochi and get in the mood for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games!        Armin Zöggeler is hungry for more records  The Italian will attempt to become the first athlete to win six medals at six different Winter Games in Sochi !       Ireen Wüst in pursuit of a new Dutch gold standard A gold medal winner in each of her two previous appearances at the Olympic Winter Games, she is aiming to eclipse two of her country’s greatest champions !        What’s New for Sochi? Twelve winter sports events will make their debuts on the Olympic programme in Sochi. Check them out!       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Elizabeth Yarnold holds the skeleton key   Olympic champion Justyna Kowalczyk thrills Polish crowd   Olympic Torch Relay marks 100th day      18/01    Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov are ready to regain Russia’s ice crown      17/01    Highlights of the week   Snow Sports for All on 3rd World Snow Day    YOG 2020 Candidate Cities motivated by the unique spirit of the Games   Ireen Wüst in pursuit of a new Dutch gold standard   IOC Medical Commission to reveal new insights into the Female Athlete Triad      16/01    Transport infrastructure provides lasting legacy of Nagano 1998   Seventh World Cup victory for outstanding Shiffrin   IOC awards 2014-2016 broadcast rights in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa   Eagle of Innsbruck ready to soar to greater heights      15/01    Scottish skip, Eve Muirhead, a stone’s throw from gold   IOC awards 2014-2016 broadcast rights In Sub-Saharan Africa       14/01    Kokslien leads Norwegians to clean sweep and halfpipe stars book tickets to Sochi    Double joy for Soukalova in the biathlon             More news                window.addEvent('domready', function () { var OgItemList = $$('.OgItem a'); var OgLiItem = $$('.OgItem'); linkList = $$('.OgBlock .list'); var listSize = linkList[0].getSize().x; relatedLinks = $$('.OgBlock .links li'); // defines the current item index in the list OgLiItem.each(function (item, index) { if (item.hasClass('current')) { var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); } }); if (OgItemList != undefined && OgItemList != null) { OgItemList.each(function (item, index) { item.addEvent('mouseover', function (event) { resetAllItems('.OgItem'); item.parentNode.addClass('current'); hideAllLinks(relatedLinks); relatedLinks[index].setStyle('display', 'block'); var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); }); }); } // loop on all the OG items to unset the "current" class function resetAllItems(selector) { var itemList = $$(selector); itemList.each(function (item, index) { item.removeClass('current'); }); } // hide all related links function hideAllLinks(selector) { var linksList = $$(selector); linksList.each(function (item, index) { item.setStyle('display', 'none'); }); } });    Olympic Games    Beijing 2008   Vancouver 2010   London 2012   Sochi 2014   Rio 2016   PyeongChang 2018   Tokyo 2020       See all the Beijing 2008 Highlights! 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