The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation

How To Get Involved

Classes, MNAs and/or manufacturers can become involved in the In-House Certification Programme. The following information is an overview of what is required. For more information contact the ISAF Technical & Offshore department.

MNAs wishing to be appointed as Authorizing Authorities

MNAs wishing to be appointed as an Authorizing Authority (AA), should first check that they have the demand for and resources to implement the IHC within their jurisdiction. Additionally the MNA will need to agree to:-

  • Appoint an ISAF IHC liaison officer
  • Ensure relevant class rules and interpretations are available on their website.
  • Assess a manufacturers ability to participate in IHC
  • Approve manufacturer's CS and Licensing manufacturers for IHC
  • Ensure there are sufficient ISAF Internal Official Measurers (IOM) to satisfy the IHC scheme within their jurisdiction.
  • Develop a system to identify non-compliances, to feed back information to the manufacturer, ISAF and CA as appropriate and to take any necessary action.
  • Apply such penalties as determined by consultation.
  • Act in cases of disputes involving; an auditor, IOM or the manufacturer.
  • Purchase and Issuing to IHC manufacturers ISAF IHC stickers and/or stamps
  • Supply the ISAF with a list and details of IHC operations.
  • Provided it is happy with the criteria and responsibilities then the MNA should apply to the ISAF to become an AA.

Manufacturers wishing to be licensed for IHC

Manufacturers wishing to be licensed for IHC need to be manufacturing items of equipment approved for IHC by their appropriate AA. They should also check that they fulfil the necessary criteria as specified in sections 4 and 5 of the Criteria and Responsibility paper (CAR).

The manufacturer will also need to be prepared to fulfil the responsibilities set out in the CAR. These primarily include the responsibility to:-

  • their clients to ensure that their products comply with class rules.
  • Appoint an ISAF IHC Certification Manager.
  • Draft and gain the approval from their AA of their CS and any amendments thereto.
  • Ensure they have on staff or contract sufficient ISAF trained and currently approved Internal Official Measurers (IOMs) to satisfy its IHC.
  • Ensure appropriate up-to-date class rules and interpretations are available for all licensed specified equipment.
  • Implement changes to production procedures to ensure compliance with the class rule changes.
  • Request their AA for audits as required and as appropriate.
  • Permit and facilitate their AA and/or ISAF with access to the manufacturing premises to undertake audits and random inspections.
  • Develop a system to identify non-compliances, to feed back this information to their AA and to take any necessary action.
  • Accept such penalties for non-compliance as determined by their AA.
  • Purchase from their AA and mark on only IHC controlled equipment, ISAF IHC stickers and/or stamps.
  • Cover the reasonable costs and fees of other parties in the attendance at IHC procedure.
  • Supplying their AA with a list and details of IHC operations.
  • Provided a manufacturer is happy with the criteria and responsibilities then they should apply to their AA to be licensed. A list of AAs will be posted on the ISAF website.

Classes wishing to adopt IHC

Classes wishing to be involved in the Programme will need to ensure that their class rules and other equipment controls lend themselves to IHC. The most positive way to achieve this is by the application of the ISAF Standard Class Rules (SCR) and the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS). The class will also need to work with IHC manufacturers and AAs to develop and implement equipment controls methods specific to their class.

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