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Sailing Federation
25 August 2001, 03:19 pm
No Change at the Top
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Laser Europeans and Youth Europeans

Day five. It was another light wind day for the first day of finals racing when the top sailors all sail together in the same fleet.

It was also a day when several of the top sailors in the senior fleet were grateful that a second discard is allowed after 10 races are completed.

In the first race of the seniors overnight leader Maciej Grabowski from Poland, and second overall Peer Moberg NOR both started at the committee boat end and went right. Grabowski said, "Peer at some stage got ahead of me and was tacking pretty close keeping me covered as I tried to keep tacking on the shifts. I rounded the top mark about 12th and I couldn't get a fresh wind downwind so could not improve". Meanwhile Allen Julie from the Seychelles had chosen the left hand side of the course and got a left shift which took him to the first mark with a clear lead which he held to the finish. Moberg had moved up the fleet to second when he was penalised by the jury for body movement on the last reaching leg. His penalty turns cost him 4 places.

Paul Goodison from Great Britain profited from Moberg's penalty moving up to second whilst all the other title contenders could only manage double figure results having gone right on the first windward leg. Round the first mark both Gustavo Lima POR and Diego Negri ITA were languishing at the back of the fleet.

Negri and Lima were both disqualified from the second race for breaking the start line. For Lima, the runner up in the World Championship, his day got even worse when he heard of a family bereavement and has withdrawn from the event.

In the second race Grabowski started from the port end of the line and this time went left. He said: "Halfway up the first windward leg I got a left hand shift and I looked under my sail to see all the fleet below me". From then on he extended his lead to one and a half minutes to win comfortably from Vasilij Zbogar SLO. Moberg had chosen the right side of the course and this time it was his turn to sample life at the back of the fleet. Although he made a partial recovery he could only manage to get to 21st which he can discard if he has a good race tomorrow. He needs a 6th or better in one of the two remaining races tomorrow to guarantee the runners up position whilst Grabowski is carrying a worse second discard so the pressure will be on him to perform.

Things were a lot more simple in the Youth fleet as Timothy Hulse from Great Britain led both races at the first mark and then extended throughout both races. His lead was sufficiently large that even a jury penalty of a double turn in race 10 did not alter his position. Hulse has to score a top 3 position in one of tomorrow's races to secure his title.

Overall results with two discards:

1 GBR 171836 Timothy Hulse
18,0 pts, 1 2 7 1 8 3 2 11 1 1
2 FRA 171711 Thomas Le Breton
31,0 pts, bfd 4 3 8 1 2 3 5 5 12
3 CRO 158348 Luka Radelic
32,0 pts, 3 4 1 15 4 12 5 1 2 24
4 CRO 165674 Marin Misura
49,0 pts, 8 9 2 26 8 10 5 6 6 5
5 POL 171303 Marcin Rudawski
50,0 ,pts 3 16 4 5 3 11 bfd 19 4 4
6 GRE 171343 Andreas Rallatos
54,0 pts, 4 7 9 9 dnf 1 1 4 19 19
7 SWE 168707 Per Frykholm
55,0 pts, 7 1 15 10 1 10 4 29 7 32
8 GRE 166245 Michalis Koulianos
55,0 pts, 4 11 3 22 29 4 bfd 2 3 6
9 GRE 166252 Antonios Manolakis
61,0 pts, 8 3 2 21 11 5 1 dnf 22 10
10 POL 170889 Artur Wilandt
63,0 pts, 14 7 28 bfd 2 9 12 8 8 3


1 POL 169707 Maciej Grabowski
17,0 pts, 1 6 16 2 4 1 1 1 14 1
2 NOR 168157 Peer Moberg
23,0 pts, 1 1 9 5 2 1 5 2 6 21
3 SWE 167622 Fredrik Lassenius
37,0 pts, 7 6 2 1 6 7 9 4 20 4
4 ITA 169102 Diego Negri
37,0 pts, 2 2 3 10 3 2 11 4 19 bfd
5 GBR 172411 Paul Goodison
38,0, pts 8 7 2 10 1 4 7 7 2 13
6 POR 165842 Gustavo Lima
39,0 ,pts 12 7 1 4 10 2 1 2 21 bfd
7 ESP 172833 Luis Martinez
46,0 pts, 10 1 4 23 7 4 8 5 12 7
8 SLO 167991 Vasilij Zbogar
49,0 pts, 6 12 15 2 1 6 21 26 5 2
9 AUT 171505 Andreas Geritzer
51,0 pts, 20 30 3 6 2 3 16 9 4 8
10 FIN 168147 Roope Suomalainen
61,0 pts, dnf 15 8 4 10 5 2 1 16 bfd

Jeff Hunt/News Editor
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