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9 December 2001, 11:26 am
Amer Sports One Redress Protest Will Not Be Heard
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Amer Sports One ©Rick Tomlinson

Volvo Ocean Race

On December 8th, Amer Sports One submitted a request for redress to the International Jury under rule 62.1(a).
Below is an extract from the Protest Form:

The protest form claims, "because the Race Committee informed all boats during the briefing (held in Cape Town) that they would protest any boats not obeying the traffic separation zone out side of Cape Town. Amer Sports One asked the Race Director to confirm that they would protest, and he did the night before the start. All other boats did sail through the exclusion zone, either at the wrong angle, or down the wrong side. We believe the actions not to protest have cost Amer Sports One up to two points on all the boats."

On Friday, December 7th, the Race Committee informed the fleet it would no longer proceed with a protest against Amer Sports Too and djuice as, "new information from the South African Maritime Safety Authority that the Traffic Scheme does not apply to pleasure yachts involved in sport or recreation, as stated in 'Marine Traffic (Inshore Vessel Traffic Services) Regulations 2000'" would make the protest impossible to win.

However the International Jury will not hear Amer Sports One's request for redress, after determining the request was submitted outside the time limit.

Amer Sports One had requested redress after learning that the Race Committee would not be protesting djuice dragons and Amer Sports Too for allegedly infringing a Traffic Separation Scheme after the restart in Cape Town.

At a hearing on Sunday morning to determine the validity of the request, the International Jury found that all the competitors were made aware of the Race Committee's decision not to protest by 14:00 on Friday afternoon. Amer Sports One did not file its request until 14:25 on Saturday afternoon, missing the 24-hour time limit.

"The International Jury is required to assess whether there are good reasons to extend the time limit," Bryan Willis, Chairman of the Jury said. "But when no good reason is presented, we are obliged to dismiss the request."

For the Volvo Ocean Race, Standard Sailing Instruction 10 modifies the Racing Rules of Sailing, extending what is usually a two-hour time limit,to 24-hours.
Volvo Ocean Race Press/News Editor
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