The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation
5 April 2004, 10:52 am
Italian Version Of Website Launched
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America's Cup, the official website of the America's Cup has been a bilingual website supporting English, the official language of the event, and French, since June 2003.
Following the decision in November 2003 to make Valencia, Spain, the Host City for the XXXII America's Cup, the Spanish language version of the site was created. Work then began early in 2004 on the building of a Italian version of the site, and now, a week after the first Italian challenge for the XXXII America's Cup was accepted, the Italian language version is live online.

"It was coincidental that we were ready to launch the Official Website in Italian, just as we had news about the first Italian challenger for the XXXII America's Cup," said Michel BONNEFOUS, CEO of AC Management. "But now, with the Italian version of the website, we can tell the story of the America's Cup in four languages, and Italian fans of the new Clan Des Team can follow the latest news about their team."

As from today the Italian speaking peoples of the world can use this site to get full official information about this legendary event. Besides having the official America's Cup news as it is published, Italian web surfers can collect key elements of the Cup's history through a cross section of its major personalities, as well as learning about the rules and regulations for the next event, along with many other features on the web site.

The Official America's Cup website has a special password protected section for the media. Amongst other things in this section is the key collection of AC Management press releases published to date, copyright free photographs of various America's Cup related subjects including Louis Vuitton Cup racing, the November 2003 Host City Announcement Ceremony and the America's Cup's first visit to Valencia. Italian Media may now benefit from the same level of service, in their own language, that the Anglo and Franco, and Hispano phone media have enjoyed up to this point.
Marcus Hutchinson (As Amended By ISAF News Editor)
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