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18 February 2003, 04:52 pm
RRS and Call Book for Match Racing Updated
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Racing Rules of Sailing 2001-2004

Details of changes made to the RRS 2001-2004 and the Call Book for Match Racing.
Racing Rules of Sailing 2001-2004

The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2001-2004, Appendices Section II have been amended to reflect the changes made to the ISAF Regulations in November 2002. The changes affect the ISAF Advertising Code, ISAF Eligibility Code and ISAF Anti-Doping Code.

All changes have been previously published in the 2003 ISAF Regulations which are available on the ISAF website at

Please refer to the following documents for further detail on the changes:
- Document explaining Major Changes to ISAF Regulations in November 2002
- Document showing changes highlighted

Please note that the Racing Rules of Sailing 2001-2004 Appendices Section II are both Racing Rules and Regulations and liable to change at any meetings of the ISAF Council.

Call Book for Match Racing 2001-2004 - 2003 Supplement

The 2003 Supplement for the Call Book for Match Racing 2001-2004 has been has been published and is available online at:

The following are changes to existing calls:
Call Ump 6 - Rules 10, 18.2(c)
Call Ump 26 - Rule 49.1
Call MR 10 - Rules 18.2(a), 31.1, 64.1(b), C6.1(a), C8.1(b), C8.2

The following are new calls:
Call Ump 32 - Rules 11, 16.1, 18, 18.2(a)
Call MR 37 - Rules 11, 18.2(a), C2.8
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