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11 July 2002, 01:36 pm
Spithill leads after day one
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Trofeo Challenge Roberto Trombini - Day 1

OneWorld Challenge's James Spithill registered seven wins at the Swedish Match Tour's Trofeo Challenge Roberto Trombini Match Race to not only set the pace but also go undefeated on the first day.
RAVENNA, ITALY (07/9/2002) - OneWorld Challenge's James Spithill registered seven wins at the Swedish Match Tour's Trofeo Challenge Roberto Trombini Match Race to not only set the pace but also go undefeated on the first day. One win behind Spithill, and also registering a flawless record, was Team Victory Lane's Jes Gram-Hansen of Denmark whose record stands at 6-0.

"It was pretty tricky out there today," said Spithill. "I had a few bad starts and was behind in a couple of races but my crew pulled us through. I'm really confident with our boat handling and Ben (Durham) called some really good tactics."

Although Spithill hasn't competed on the Swedish Match Tour in almost a year he showed no signs of rust, nor did his crew of Durham, Joe Newton and Andy Feathers.

"We're still getting used to the breezes and hot weather. Regatta fitness is definitely an issue after having not competed in a year and I'm sure we'll sleep well tonight," continued Spithill.

The day's "excitement" occurred in the sixth flight in the first match which featured Prada Challenge's Gavin Brady and GOL Sailing Team's Bjorn Hansen of Sweden. A collision occurred between the two boats when Brady cut behind Hansen and left a meter-long gash in the hull of the leeward boat, forcing the organizers to juggle the day's remaining schedule and jump ahead to Flights 9 and 10 which featured byes for four skippers in each.

The day's conditions started out light but the breeze filled in after noon, building to 12 knots. The race committee ran two courses, providing plenty of action for the spectators gathered on the pier just off the Ravenna Yacht Club.

The Swedish Match Tour's Trofeo Challenge Roberto Trombini Match Race resumes on Thursday at 12 noon. Visit for all the latest news and results.


Skipper Wins Losses

1. James Spithill, OneWorld Challenge 7 0

2. Jes Gram-Hansen, DEN/Team Victory Lane 6 0

3. Jesper Radich, Denmark 5 2

4. Ed Baird, USA/Team Musto 4 2

5. Bjorn Hansen, SWE/Team GOL Sailing 3 3

6. Karol Jablonski, POL/Team MK Café 3 3

7. Gavin Brady, Prada Challenge 3 4

8. Mikael Lindqvist, Sweden 3 4

9. Lars Nordbjerg, Denmark 2 4

10. Chris Law, UK/Team Outlaw 1 5

11. Matteo Simoncelli, Italy 1 5

12. Martin Angsell, Sweden 0 6

Round Robin Results

Flight 1

Spithill def. Law

Jablonski def. Hansen

Gram-Hansen def. Brady

Nordbjerg def. Angsell

Baird def. Lindqvist

Flight 2

Lindqvist def. Angsell

Baird def. Nordbjerg

Gram-Hansen def. Jablonski

Law def. Radich

Spithill def. Simoncelli

Flight 3

Gram-Hansen def. Nordbjerg

Radich def. Baird

Jablonski def. Simoncelli

Lindqvist def. Hansen

Brady def. Law

Flight 4

Jablonski def. Law

Simoncelli def. Brady

Hansen def. Nordbjerg

Radich def. Angsell

Spithill def. Baird

Flight 5

Radich def. Nordbjerg

Brady def. Angsell

Hansen def. Simoncelli

Spithill def. Lindqvist

Gram-Hansen def. Law

Flight 6

Hansen def. Brady

Spithill def. Angsell

Gram-Hansen def. Lindqvist

Radich def. Simoncelli

Baird def. Jablonski

Flight 9

Lindqvist def. Law

Baird def. Hansen

Brady def. Radich

Spithill def. Jablonski

Flight 10

Radich def. Lindqvist

Spithill def. Brady

Nordbjerg def. Simoncelli

Gram-Hansen def. Angsell

Shawn McBride
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