Resultados de #HTPR

Destacados / Todo
  1. Thank YOU for 5 yrs! RT : Reminder: My Tips will end May 30, 2014. Thank you for all your support the past five years.

  2. Great tip for local news ppl too! RT : Tip: Increase your response time to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  3. RT : Tip: Who have you thanked today - a media contact, a client, your boss or co-worker?

  4. So true! RT : Tip: Pick up the phone. Stay in touch -- with clients, media -- email isn't a substitute.

  5. Great tip RT : Tip: Think tight – small words, short sentences and brief paragraphs.

  6. RT : Tip: Be careful what you say and how you say it, as the Internet has a permanent memory.

  7. RT : Tip: Always give more than expected - more service, more product, more time, a discount... // and more tweets :-)

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