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  1. @vitrue @cosjef Wonderful! We'll be in touch with details!
  2. @cosjef Great idea. Maybe we could do a panel and get a few different perspectives on platforms, tools, strategies & trends. #mashmeetupatl
  3. @The_Underdogs Love your mission, that's awesome!
  4. Launching a product? Be sure to include product samples in your budget. Photos are great, but the 'proof is in the product.' #perfectpitch
  5. Quote of the Day: "Visibility is not the same as presence. In social media, presence is felt." - @BrianSolis
  6. Yahoo-Bing Search Alliance: Four Steps Advertisers Should Take to Transition to the Unified Platform
  7. @bretwp I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm really looking forward to doing something regularly. #mashmeetupatl
  8. RT @bretwp: Definitely good to connect offline :) The event went really smooth and it was nice to meet so many good people #mashmeetupatl
  9. Holy smokes Batman!!! LinkedIn Now Worth More Than $2 Billion
  10. @bretwp Glad to connect offline:) Let's chat soon about locations for the next event. Thx! #mashmeetupatl
  11. If you missed #mashmeetupatl, you missed some great convos and an AMAZING view!
  12. @cosjef Great meeting you! Don't forget me to email me about Habitat for Humanity and the next event. #mashmeetupatl
  13. @LeslieDYoung Great to finally connect! Let's get together soon. #mashmeetupatl
  14. @christianoliver It was great meeting you and your dad! I'm going to get my running outfit and test the weather next week! Lol!
  15. Thanks to everyone who came out for #mashmeetupatl We're going to have a monthly event for Atlanta social media enthusiasts. Stay tuned!
  16. Hanging out with @sshap23 at The Glenn Hotel. Gorgeous view! #mashmeetupatl
  17. @LakamarAustin Likewise! #pr
  18. @bretwp See you there! #mashmeetupatl
  19. Reminder, if it's raining at 8pm, we'll meet in the lounge downstairs. Otherwise, see you on the rooftop. #mashmeetupatl
  20. @Meetup Thanks! #mashmeetupatl