Major Events

Keep Informed!

Commodore's Committee Discuss Small Crane Proposal

The recent Commodore’s Committee heard a proposal to locate a small 'Hiab' type crane beside the existing craning point at the side of the club. It was agreed that an in-depth feasibility study be carried out to confirm the exact costs and establish the benefits and uses to members. Members will be familiar with these cranes as they are typically found on the back of lorries and fold away to a small size when not in use. The results of the feasibility study will be published when available.

RYA Safety boat course 29th & 30th March

Online booking is now available for this course here.  Places limited to 12 persons.


Chris Eames Race Training 12th & 13th April

The Chris Eames race training course on 12th & 13th April is now available for booking under the Training section of the website.  Places limited to 10 people. Click Here for more details.

SLYC Under Water

SLYC was under water with the recent high tides! Click Here for more pics courtesy of Pete Tyler.