Datchet Water Sailing Club                       Datchet Water Sailing Club

 Queen Mother Reservoir Horton Road, Horton Berkshire SL3 9NT 

 Telephone +44 (O) 1753 683872

 Email : manager@dwsc.co.uk


      DWSC HomeInformationTrainingClub RacingEventsWindsurfingForumWeatherDutyman2013 AGM      20kt SquadLaserHandicap FleetFlying FifteenAsymmetric FleetCat FleetPhotos     Welcome to Datchet Water Sailing Club - the family-friendly racing club West of London.  Datchet Water Sailing Club is a modern club set on a large inland reservoir (Queen Mother Reservoir) providing a complete package for every type of sailor. It is set with magnificent views overlooking Windsor Castle, with easy access from M3 , M4, M25 & M40 and close to Central London. Click on the links above for more information.

   Click Here for full

 Club Opening Hours



       Search   Winter

 Mon -   Closed                

 Tues - Closed 

 Wed -  1000 to 16.30   

 Thu -   1000 to 16.30

 Fri -     1000 to 16.30      

 Sat -    0900 to 1700

 Sun -   0900 to 1700

        Club News


   Click here for full News Blog

         Club Opening Hours

   Events Calendar

 Training Calendar

 20kt Squad Calendar

     Latest Photos


       Last Wednesday

   Last Sunday

     Last Event Sailed

    Click here for the latest photos

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