Sea Sense 

The Sea Sense message aims to ensure that the many different forms of our sport using our coastal waters, do so in harmony with each other.

Every sport feels that they should have priority on the waters. Who does have priority is defined by the COLREGs. If knowing and applying them spoils your fun, perhaps you are playing in the wrong place or maybe you need to look at them a little more closely to make sure that you fully understand them - afterall they are there for your protection.

  • Look around & be aware
  • Look before you tack
  • Give sea room, watch your wash, cut your speed
  • Be friendly - don`t buzz
  • Use your motoring cone when motoring
  • Use your anchor ball & give anchored craft a wide berth
  • Boozing and boating don't mix

To read more download the Sea Sense Leaflet.

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Article Published: May 19, 2009 13:26

Article Updated: December 13, 2013 12:27


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