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National Royal Rangers Week

The first full week each October is National Royal Rangers Week. This is a time when churches spotlight the ministry during a service, or an outpost will have a special event (such as a father-son weekend) or plan a community outreach. It's a great opportunity to promote Royal Rangers inside and outside of the church.

The national office has prepared a list of ten things your church might consider to promote Royal Rangers. The list is just intended to get you started; the possibilities are only limited by your imagination! Please click here to download the list.

In conjunction with National Royal Rangers Week, the following Friday and Saturday are designated as the Global Prayer Vigil. Every Ranger outpost is asked to gather for one hour of prayer any time on either day. Rangers in every state and in over 90 nations around the world will be doing the same as we call upon God and train boys and young men to be prayer warriors. Please click here for more information and for a one-hour prayer guide.

National Royal Rangers Week: October 6-12, 2013
Global Prayer Vigil: One hour of your choosing on October 11 or 12, 2013



Mark Your Calendar & Plan Something Special!