Archive for February, 2008

USA: Project Gassville Winding Down

Thursday, February 28th, 2008


HODR has teamed up with AmeriCorps volunteers sent to Arkansas to help aid in the recovery and rebuilding of areas affected by the February 5th tornados.

HODR established the Gassville Coordination Center on February 12, 2008 seven days after a tornado destroyed 79 homes in Gassville. Project Gassville, is slated to conclude Monday March 3, 2008.

We are currently in the process of transitioning the Gassville Coordination Center over to St. Louis AmeriCorps volunteer Michael and AmeriCorps Sacramento NCCC volunteer Deana. They will be heading up the coordination of resources and volunteers and helping with long-term recovery for the next 1-2 months in Gassville and the surrounding communities.

BANGLADESH: Project Rayenda Extension!

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

safe space play

From the very first days of Project Rayenda, we’ve been playing with children at Save the Children “Safe Spaces.” These safe, unstructured play areas sited at local schools provide psycho-social support to children following a natural disaster. As the government and NGOs push to get kids back in school, we’ve been working with Save the Children on a way to transition the benefits of the Safe Space into a more permanent structure at local schools.

HODR volunteers have been hard at work on a playground design which can be built at existing Safe Space locations. As a result, Save the Children would like to collaborate with HODR on 5 of these playground projects! The remote rural communities here have never had playground equipment before, and are incredibly excited to start working with us on the swings, monkey bars, and jungle gyms we have planned!

In order to fulfill our commitment to Save the Children, we will extend our project end date to Thursday, 17 April, 2008. As our work extends into April, we will continue to work on a mix of shelter, community space, and playground projects.

There’s still time to join us in Bangladesh! We hope to see you in Rayenda soon.

Marc Young
Operations Director
Hands On Disaster Response

USA: Project Gassville Update

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

The local volunteer response has been incredible! We have already made a huge dent in the debris cleanup and I think by the end of next weekend we will have most of it complete. Yesterday the weather was terrible (35-40 degrees with rain) but 60 local volunteers (out of the 100 plus that were scheduled to come in) still showed up and worked until 4pm when it got REALLY bad out.

We held our first Gassville Coordination Center meeting on Thursday and made the front page of the local newspaper the next morning! Click here to see the story.

The coordination meeting served as a catalyst for all of the organizations helping Gassville to meet, network, and figure out how we can all work together and focus efforts. Our main contribution to the community has been and will continue to be our paper pushing and clearing house of information operation for the community. The agency known as NVOAD or National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster has taken notice of our coordination operation and is interested in helping Gassville get ready for the long-term recovery process. We will do our best to continue to connect the dots for the community and get them on the right track over the next two weeks.

There has been no shortage of volunteers in Gassville. Individuals and groups keep streaming in from all around AR and its neighboring states. This weekend we had nursing students from ASU in Mt. Home, Church of Christ in Rogers, AR, Riverside Church of Christ in Gassville, Fellowship Bible Church in Mt. Home, AR, and the Wallis Construction Company. The Wallis construction volunteers also donated their debris trailers and tractors for a day!

Volunteer Yvon (of Biloxi and Pisco) just arrived after a hitchhiking journey that started in Springfield, MO!

USA: Project Gassville!

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008


Hands On Disaster Response is excited to announce Project Gassville – our first micro-deployment ever! For the next 3 weeks HODR volunteers will coordinate the tornado relief efforts and help with clean-up and recovery in Gassville, Arkansas.

Gassville was very hard-hit during the string of tornados that struck 5 southern states the night of February 5, 2008. 70 homes in Gassville suffered major damage and or were destroyed. Tornado damage in this area is severe but with hard-working HODR volunteers helping this open-hearted community we will help get Gassville headed in the right direction.

After spending time with local churches, other volunteer organizations working in the area and city officials it became clear that there was a big need for overall coordination of the recovery effort. For those of you who volunteered with us in Biloxi after Katrina think East Biloxi Coordination and Relief Center… HODR is going to do our best to help get everyone on the same page and focus efforts and resources.

The Mayor of Gassville has given HODR a space inside the Gassville Community Center to operate out of and a local church is providing us with meals and housing.

Projects will include staffing and coordination center support, community needs assessment support, tree and debris cleanup, home demolition and possibly roofing and basic home repair. As always we welcome skilled volunteers and will do our best to put trade skills and talents to work in the community.

Welcome to our operation in the Ozarks! Click here for Volunteer Information

USA: Southern US Tornado Assessment Update 2

Monday, February 11th, 2008


USA: Southern US Tornado Assessment Update 1

Saturday, February 9th, 2008


BANGLADESH: 30 Day Report

Friday, February 8th, 2008

BD 30 day report
Morrelganj Kindergarten
Through a unique new partnership HODR has re-roofed a school damaged by Cyclone Sidr. We have joined forces with the U.S. State Department, Department of Defense (DOD), USAID, and various branches of the armed forces! The assessment was done by the Interagency Assessment Team (IAT), the funding came from DOD, and the work was completed with local carpenters, Air Force personnel, and Hands On volunteers. Even better news: we have more exciting projects in the pipeline with this new affiliation to help the devastated region of Sharonkhola.

Safe Space
Hands On volunteers continue to work with the children at local Safe Space play areas. Our two previous sites in Sonatola are in the process of transitioning their attendees back to school so we’ve rechanneled our energy to a new site in Kontakata, just a short walk away. This site has 40+ children who regularly attend. We’ve taught the kids Ducks Duck Goose, Red Light Green Light, and the Chicken Dance (sorry!), and they’ve taught us the Bangladesh national anthem and helped us laugh from the deepest places in our bellies.

Termites? (Bangla tree work)
After a month of partnering with locals on the 3 HODR crosscut saws, we’ve cleared 5 dozen fallen trees from homes, paths, and yards. Trees here are sold by the cubic foot, so seemingly nonsensical cuts and frenzied excavation of the root ball are often the name of the game. This work is completely manual, and it is achieved through a mix of teamwork, sturdy ropes, and a local chant belted out in unison. We’ve also managed to right a couple trees – valuable sources of fruit and shade for their families.

Lords of the Rings (or Latrines)
We continue to assist local NGO Agrodut Foundation with their latrine distribution program and have installed 30 latrines to date. After the concrete rings and slabs are pedaled home aboard colorfully painted “vans” (a pedal bike with a flat, open platform on the back), HODR volunteers show up with tools and enthusiasm to get the system in place.

All of the latrines have been distributed in the countryside just north of Rayenda; as we cross over the small river, the bustle of the town falls away and yields a landscape of golden rice paddies, sugar palms, and children playing cricket in fields dotted with cows. The small clusters of families who live out here very rarely see foreigners, so each site we show up at is a completely different crowd. We’ve found the reception to be similar to that of our other Bangladeshi neighbors – they often stare, then smile, then join in, then laugh. A successful installation is celebrated with young coconuts freshly plucked from the surrounding trees.

Village Photo Project
The first 300 prints are in! Similar to our photo projects in Indonesia and the Philippines, we collected images of our neighbors and friends and had them printed. Most people in this area had their mementos and photos of themselves and their loved ones washed away. So HODR volunteers took pictures and then returned to hand out the prints, much to the delight of the recipients. The project will continue as long as we are here and we have already expanded to include our first school. Stay tuned for next month’s report!

HODR Half (It’s not half a house, it is the start of a full house!)
Hands On volunteers have completed the construction of 4 homes! Our shelter program has become a ‘must do’ project for our volunteers. The recipients of the shiny new homes are happy to have us helping and grateful to be receiving a new home. This appreciation manifests itself in a shower…of food! Many thanks to all of the volunteers who have participated in this successful, ongoing program. The end cost of the HODR Half is only about $425 US dollars!! If you are not able to join us then maybe you could sponsor a home?

As our volunteer numbers continue to grow, so too does our house evolve. We’ve taken a two room unit on the ground floor of our building to house our growing assortment of tools, as well as some of the hardware materials for our projects.

We’ve also completed construction on two lofted sleep spaces in our house! Accessible by ladder and slightly secluded from the throng below, this prime real estate expands our capacity and has given the house a fun new look!

Marc Young
Operations Director
Hands On Disaster Response

USA: We’re on our way

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

We dusted the snow off the Mobile Command Unit and are on our way south from MA. It will take us two days to get to the disaster zone(s) and from there we will be assessing the damage caused by tornadoes that hit on the night of the 5th. We’re looking at the potential for a volunteer project. We’ve had some contact with the Clinton, AR area, and with internet access in the Command Unit are continually researching the situation while on the road. Check back soon, we will have more info up in a couple of days.