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RYA Rigging Handbook e-Book
RYA Rigging Handbook
Rigging Handbook
RYA Rigging Handbook (eBook)

RYA Rigging Handbook (eBook)

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  • Prices are shown including UK VAT. (Why?)
  • Item Author: Allan Barwell
  • Publisher: RYA
  • Format: eBook
  • Pages: 80
  • Edition: 2013
  • Product Code: E-G86
  • Delivery cost: Free Postage
  • Delivery time: within 24 hours via email*

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Product Information

Rigging is often portrayed as a black art which means that cruising sailors lack the confidence to tamper or adjust it through the fear of the unknown.

This ebook aims to change that by splicing together a whole range of little-known gems about rigging allowing the reader to fully get into the heart of this frequently overlooked subject. The author’s authoritative text will guide you through the practical side of putting a yacht’s rig together by covering various topics in the respective chapters:

  • Dressing and rigging a new mast
  • Tuning the rig
  • Reefing systems
  • Marlinspike seamanship
  • Care and maintenance

This ebook is enhanced with interactive illustrations, additional content and summaries to give everyone the necessary knowledge to put yacht rigs together and then maintain them so that they stay secure as this insight will help bring confidence and peace of mind to all cruising sailors.

Also available as a Paperback.

Prize draw courtesy of Sailing Holidays Ltd - closes 30th November 2013

RYA Rigging Handbook To support the launch of the new RYA Rigging Handbook, RYA Publications has teamed up with Sailing Holidays Ltd to offer one lucky prize-draw winner a free one week flotilla sailing holiday for two people on a 27ft Jaguar around the Greek Islands during May or October (prize includes flights from Gatwick, transfers and your yacht)! for any purchases of either the book or eBook.

For your chance of winning this great prize, simple buy your copy of RYA Rigging Handbook (either book or eBook) directly from the RYA webshop. All back orders will also be included. This prize draw will close on 30th November 2013 and a winner will be selected at random by RYA Publications.

Competition Terms and Conditions.

*See Delivery & Returns for more information.

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