Archive for August, 2007

PERU: Announcing Project Pisco!

Thursday, August 30th, 2007

On 15 August 2007 the southern coastal region of Peru was violently shaken by a two-minute, 8.0 magnitude earthquake. The event flattened homes, destroyed businesses, disrupted livelihoods, and interrupted schools. The people of Peru need help and Hands On Disaster Response has decided to offer assistance through its volunteers.

We are asking you to come and help us help the Peruvians. If you are currently unable to volunteer then we ask you to help by sending a donation that you know will be used effectively.

We are still completing our assessment and have not determined the exact location of our volunteer operation. We anticipate beginning operations on 8 September 2007. Those of you familiar with our operations will recognize this as a little different. It is our hope that you will begin to sort your travel plans and look at taking time from your schedule to help.

PERU: Report from Lima

Saturday, August 25th, 2007

We have been busy, and a little chilly (think damp cold, like San Francisco).

It has been a prosperous 4 days in the capitol city of Lima gathering information and connecting with people and organizations.

Meetings have included the World Food Program (WFP), USAID, the Peace Corps (PC) and Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV), YCPA (a local grassroots non-profit), and the US Embassy. We met some great people at the South American Explorers club and had an amazing local connection from HODR volunteer Toshiro Kida (TC)!

Donations Needed for Peru Relief Efforts

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

With possible deployment to help aide Peru Earthquake victims, HODR will need the support of our donors to run this successful relief project. Based on our previous relief efforts, we have compiled an example of the projects that may be needed to rebuild these communities and the projected costs.

Possible Peru Projects:
• $25 – Sponsor food and shelter for a Volunteer for a week
• $50 – Tarping homes
• $100 – Sponsor food and shelter for a Volunteer for a month
• $500 – Tools and supplies
• $1,000 – Fishing fleet replacement
• $5,000 – Re-roof a school

All funds donated to HODR go directly towards these efforts. Please give generously to support our volunteers and the people they assist. Anyone interested in making a tax deductible donation can do so securely here on our site.

HODR Video Update

Monday, August 20th, 2007

Assessment Team Heading to Peru

Saturday, August 18th, 2007

HODR Operations Director, Marc Young will be making a trip to Peru early next week to see if and how HODR can help in the disaster recovery efforts. Long-term volunteer Stefanie Chang who assisted Marc in setting up the Philippines project will be accompanying him and supporting our assessment efforts.
Last Wednesday an 8.0 earthquake struck the coast of Peru killing more than 500 people and causing significant damage. Ica, where most of the deaths occurred is 165 miles south of the capital, Lima.

We expect to have an update next week on a possible Peru deployment, and we are also keeping our eyes on Hurricane Dean.